viperfdl: My opinion is that it depends on what the reason X you mentioned is. If it was an unprovoked attack by you in this example, you are responsible for the consequences.
A war has consequences for all the factions involved. Why due to internal strife would I as a leader have to take care of the people of my former enemies? There is virtually no power that stops me from closing the borders. And if they come knocking with violence, I shall respond with violence.
Up until this point in time, there has never been a time in history that any political leaders have done what you imply, at least not to my knowledge.
viperfdl: And lets not forget that helping people in desperate situations is a decent thing and also part of the Christian religion - if you're religious.
Not religious, and yes, it's a decent thing to do, but true leaders are not supposed to be decent people towards everyone in the world. To paraphrase Machiavelli, a leader has the duty to maintain the existence and welfare of his state and people first and foremost. Emphasis on "his."
viperfdl: But this sentence of yours
HijacK: I live where I live because I came here to study, make lots of money.
viperfdl: and your avatar which shows, if I'm not mistaken, Robert Downey jr., the actor who plays Tony Stark in Iron Man, implies that you embrace the neo-liberal ideology about everyone being only responsible for themself.
I'm neither liberal, nor conservative, and responsibility comes in many shapes and forms depending on position. However, one should always remember whom he is responsible for first and foremost. I'm not trying to bash on taking refugees. I'm trying to explain the sheer mentality of "you start a war, you have to take refugees" is beyond flawed and simply ridiculous.
viperfdl: btw.:
Shelling of Mainila But it actually would have been TStaels job to link this.
I see. I still don't get how that is correlated to his original point about refugees.