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I want to begin by saying that I find forum games amusing, educational even as I feel they are helping with my English, not to mention general communication skills. I always wanted to try "Forum Mafia" as it seems like a ton of fun too.

But as an active participant in many of the forum games I feel that my view on them may be a bit skewed, so here's my question to all of you not participating - do you find forum games annoying? If you do, could you elaborate why?
Post edited July 07, 2022 by DreamerKnightX
low rated
yup they should be removed
high rated
I just think it would be best to have a separate Forum Games forum. Everyone who's interested could find them more easily, and the General Forum would have more room for other topics.
No. They're not provocative or offensive. I can simply choose not to open those threads.

Although I think most of them are spammy attempts of the lowest possible effort to boost participants' reputation.
InkPanther: Although I think most of them are spammy attempts of the lowest possible effort to boost participants' reputation.
One word at a time?
Cambrey: One word at a time?
Among others.
It's nice to see some opinions. Adding forum games subforum is actually a great idea. I wonder if it would prove too much hassle for GOG to create such a subforum under General Forums.

Or they could make it possible for users not interested in such threads to hide them from view, similar to "favorite topic" mechanic. It would be a win-win scenario really, but would probably require some coding on GOG's side.
I think a subform would be the best idea, I honestly find them annoying personally, but I dont want them wiped from existence, so yeah a subforum for forum games would be ideal.
low rated
DreamerKnightX: I want to begin by saying that I find forum games amusing, educational even as I feel they are helping with my English, not to mention general communication skills. I always wanted to try "Forum Mafia" as it seems like a ton of fun too.

But as an active participant in many of the forum games I feel that my view on them may be a bit skewed, so here's my question to all of you not participating - do you find forum games annoying? If you do, could you elaborate why?
Probably depends on the game
Not really. My eyes just kinda filter over them.

I'm more annoyed at being unable to find the three replies to threads, especially with there being a non-zero chance a post I made in 2012 got necroed.
Post edited July 10, 2022 by Darvond
I think dedicated subforum just for these would be overkill. There is like maybe total 10 of these threads that are fairly active.

Much better would be ability to ignore chosen topics so they wouldn't show on your list.
low rated
"Forum games" are spam and therefore a violation of GOG'S TOS and therefore they should be deleted just as all other forms of spam are also deleted.

And GOG should have been deleting & banning "forum games" spam many years ago before today. It's a problem way long-overdue for a solution. And the solution is to ban them.

"Forum games" spam literally ruins the whole forum, and buries all worthwhile substantive actual threads under the never-ending barrage of "forum games" spam.

It's literally insane to what an absurd colossal degree GOG allows "forum games" spam to hijack and ruin its own forum.
Post edited July 08, 2022 by Ancient-Red-Dragon
If people don't like them, just don't click on anything with [Forum game] in the title. GOG obviously doesn't have an issue with them when you consider that "Why the person above you should be banned" has been going on since 2014.

The mafia games are like walking into any table top game store and seeing a bunch of people off in a back corner playing D&D or any other game that is played over multiple sessions. The ones labeled [Forum game] are like when you walk into a comic shop and see people playing fast paced card games.

In comparison, consider every single boycott GOG thread. Even when promoted as a discussion about how physical media is superior, it really is being that guy who is wandering the aisles of Walmart and shouting at other customers to not shop there.
low rated
Tip for people with issues attached:
I didn't even know we had forum games. I don't even know how they're played. Unless I accidentally participated in one without knowing.