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Recently found out Amazon's Gaming section offers a ton of free game codes for the Amazon gaming service and Epic games and GOG as well and sometimes Windows store. Of course you need a prime membership but I personally think the free codes that range from 2 to 4 GOG codes a month is pretty neat. They sometimes add up to a 80 dollar value CAD.
Prime also gives you access to a lot of ebooks for free, assuming you could get them all downloaded. Though DRM'd AZW3 files are useless.

If you think it's worth it that's up to you. But i think Amazon is too big a monopoly as it is.
ZocomMAX: Any thoughts on the Amazon Prime gaming free game codes
I probably wouldn't become a Prime member only for the free games, but...if you're a Prime member anyway - the free games are indeed a nice bonus and it would be stupid, not to use them.
I really like free games from Amazon.

Of course I stream some movies and series from Prime Video, so I take that into consideration when calculating the overall value of Amazon membership.

But basically it's free games as a bonus from using their streaming service, so what's there not to like?
Especially as their own games and GOG games are DRM-free.

Obviously I would like it even more if Prime Video had more content to my liking, or Prime Gaming offered more adventure games, preferably from GOG, but I really can't complain about how it is now.
ZocomMAX: Recently found out Amazon's Gaming section offers a ton of free game codes for the Amazon gaming service and Epic games and GOG as well and sometimes Windows store. Of course you need a prime membership but I personally think the free codes that range from 2 to 4 GOG codes a month is pretty neat. They sometimes add up to a 80 dollar value CAD.
The Prime Games are a nice additional bonus. I have prime because the free next day delivery is very useful and the Prime Video service has some good films (especially since they bought MGM) and some good TV series. It's just a shame that Disney bought Fox as Prime lost their back catalogue at that point.

As for the games, they vary from the great to the downright awful. They just gave away Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League. The nicest thing I can say about that title is that at least it has some value from a historical interest perspective as the game that woke up the World to Sweet Baby Inc and their poisonous ilk.
The following excerpt is from muddycolors' artist David Palumbo and originally concerns AI and its impact on illustrators.

Still, I found it enlightening concerning a lot of what's going on in the world today.

I’m going to shoehorn in a short sideroad here. I’ve also been thinking about the disruption business model embraced by tech companies and startups. Maybe I’m over my skis in this point, but it seems to me that the cycle generally goes: 1. create a tech substitute for an existing industry. 2. Back this with venture capital funding so deep that massive losses can be sustained for years and years. 3. Aggressively compete against an existing industry which can not afford to operate at a loss for extended periods of time. 4. the existing industry is undercut until it falters or outright fails. 5. The disruptor(s), now having captured the market for the given industry, raise prices and reduce services to achieve profitability. I think about this every time I sit through a commercial on the Amazon Prime account that I’m already paying to use.
TL;DR: Don't take anything 'free' from Amazon.

It isn't really free. One day, you'll pay through your nose.
Post edited July 20, 2024 by Vainamoinen
Because Star Trek Picard.

That is all.
5. The disruptor(s), now having captured the market for the given industry, raise prices and reduce services to achieve profitability. I think about this every time I sit through a commercial on the Amazon Prime account that I’m already paying to use.
Vainamoinen: TL;DR: Don't take anything 'free' from Amazon.

It isn't really free. One day, you'll pay through your nose.
But Amazon isn't the market leader in streaming services.
GOG is nowhere near the market leader in digital game distribution.

So it's hard to see how receiving free GOG games from Amazon would support the established market leaders, as neither of them is such.
rojimboo: Because Star Trek Picard.

That is all.
I consider that as negative value, but not to the point to make me cancel my subscription. There's enough good stuff available to balance that.
Vainamoinen: TL;DR: Don't take anything 'free' from Amazon.
Don't see, why not.
It's a welcome surprise when there is a GOG game included in the giveaways. I see it as another incentive to have the Prime subscription (not the main one, but another reason to consider it worth the price) and another way to increase GOG's visibility and bring more people here who otherwise would not consider GOG as a store to use.
PixelBoy: I consider that as negative value, but not to the point to make me cancel my subscription. There's enough good stuff available to balance that.
I'm not sure you realise how much of a fan of TNG and the Picard crew I am. Add in some stars from the other shows too, and shut up and take my money!

I've literally been falling asleep to TNG from Netflix on and off for the past several years.

Yes yes, I know, the new stuff is completely different and inferior. But it's new and exciting and Patrick Stewart acting is superb. Also the others (not gonna spoil who's in it for anyone but yeah), it's just heart-warming.

I can forgive a lot when it comes to the Picard crew, I suppose that's true.

But it's the main reason I subsribe to Prime Video, no doubt about that. Otherwise there aren't that many exclusives anymore, has anybody noticed that they've all started coming to Netflix? Also from HBO Max (or Max as it's called these days). I mean I guess many of the exclusives are timed, and then they got sold elsewhere (i.e. Netflix), but it greatly diminishes the value of alternative movie streaming platforms. Hm, something to ponder, should I start cancelling stuff in this economy? Hm...:strokesbeardpensively: also :wisheshehadabeard:
PixelBoy: But Amazon isn't the market leader in streaming services.
And still they feel comfortable raising prices and making the service worse. I wonder why?
In Poland it's kinda no-brainer if you're interested at least in part of the offer since the service costs about 11 Euro per YEAR, but I probably wouldn't pay if price was the same as in other countries.
It depends. Personally, I like Prime because of Video and Gaming but I wouldn't pay the $150+ subscription by myself for those two things. I rarely ever buy from Amazon but it can be handy. I hear a lot of people complaining that the quality of games has taken a hit though. I'd say these past couple of months have been pretty solid. I missed out on Hitman Absolution when it was given out for free, and I got 2 of 4 Call of Juarez games for free. Let's pretend The Cartel doesn't exist :P I hope Amazon gives out Fallout NV for free again. Still kicking myself over missing that.
Who pays for the gog codes? Is Amazon paying gog, or are they paying someone else who gives them gog codes? I've heard of people talking about ways to get around paying Amazon for their service, and while I have no interest myself, I wonder who takes the hit when people do that.

Is gog losing money when people cheat Amazon like that, or does Amazon take the hit?