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in for papers please, thanks
I'm in for Papers, Please. Thanks and +1 Doc!
Doc0075: snip
Wait a minute. What does this have to do with the old trust giveaway? Now I'm confused. ಠ_ಠ
Thanks for the generous giveaway. Some really nice games there.
Hey all!

Damn I lost Gabriel Knight.
I'm always so keen on those point and click adventure games :p

Never seen a Giveaway like this.
Looks risky but also fun to pass the code through GoG members so they redeem the one they want.

Please pick me me me me for the next round ;)

Edit: oh... i forgot to choose one eheh: Technobabylon: Deluxe Edition :)
Post edited September 19, 2015 by eddiemaniaco
That's a nice selection of games there. Thanks for the giveaway!

Never mind, not in for anything, but +1.
Post edited September 19, 2015 by WinterSnowfall
agylardi: Ooh. Didn't know there was this kind of community-based giveaway. Great idea doc !

May I joining in ? I am in for the Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing.

*question : If I am not chosen, am I allowed to join the next person giveaway with different choice of game ?
You can rejoin the giveaway for a different game if you miss out on your first choice.
Doc0075: snip
MaximumBunny: Wait a minute. What does this have to do with the old trust giveaway? Now I'm confused. ಠ_ಠ
This is completely separate to my last trust giveaway, all are welcome to enter including winners from previous giveaways.
Post edited September 19, 2015 by Doc0075
Shoot! I accidentally redeemed all the remaining games! Oops... Nah, just messing with you folks! :-D

Many thanks to Doc0075, and so far also to Tallima, XYCat, and of course to Vythonaut for passing the torch of trust to me!

Still on the code:

1. To The Moon
2. Papers, Please
4. The Incredible Adventures Of Van Helsing
5. The Incredible Adventures Of Van Helsing 2

I will give it a few more hours before picking the next torch bearer, let's see if we'll have more entrants by then.

Vythonaut: [...] (although i have not yet fully understood how an eye points & clicks..),[...]
With my eyelashes, of course!
Tallima: Taking: 4. Tetrobot And Co.
bler144: Congrats, and enjoy! I'm only about 40% of the way through. Some of those puzzles are flippin' hard! :)

If you like T&C, Blocks that Matter is the precursor, though while the puzzles are somewhat similar the gameplay is significantly different in some major respects. BtM is a bit more of a platform puzzler (and if you mess up a jump you may have to restart the whole level), whereas T&C is pretty purely spatial puzzles. If you mess anything up there's a 'rewind' button.

The tradeoff is that with the rewind in T&C they made the puzzles much more complex and the challenge is entirely in solving it.

Annnnnnywho, long-winded way of saying congrats to the winners, a big +1 to Doc for the GA, but not in myself. ;)
Thanks! The puzzle-platformer model is nice sometimes, but I especially love the pure-puzzles.

The Drawn series had some great puzzles that I just loved. And Incredible Machines was my bread and butter when I was a kid. I'm hoping for something similar. I'll find out later today, I hope! :)
would be still in for the Moon :)
and nice to see that the first few iterations worked well!
Congrats to everybody who won something and thanks again for hosting this giveaway Doc0075!

edit-I know it's a bit early for the congrats, since some games remain to be redeemed, but anyways, congrats to the rest in advance I guess...
Post edited September 19, 2015 by Treasure
HypersomniacLive: With my eyelashes, of course!
Oh, of coooourse! :P
Yarrr ye be fine lads sharing yer booty with all yer shipmates.

Just so ye scurvy ridden scallywags, there be still some unclaimed loot out there as well.
Post edited September 19, 2015 by j0ekerr
j0ekerr: Yarrr ye be fine lads sharing yer booty with all yer shipmates.

Just so ye scurvy ridden scallywags, there be still some unclaimed loot out there as well.
Not in this one, there are entrants for all games that are still available.
j0ekerr: Yarrr ye be fine lads sharing yer booty with all yer shipmates.

Just so ye scurvy ridden scallywags, there be still some unclaimed loot out there as well.
I guess your comment would be more fitting here! ;-)