MysteryK: Not just Steam.
mdqp: I sure hope it does, although things would be much easier with crossplay between the platforms. As it is, it's hard to tell people they should join the smaller community. People who are interested to play the game... Want to play games, after all.
Does anybody know what today's update was all about?
I suspect the following tweaks were merged into the gog version (maybe a something else specific to gog version too, hard to say):
• If there are no available sessions, Garou will now report how many full sessions are currently running (but only full sessions that were created by this newest build). New builds will see open sessions created by the old or new builds. (Though, anyone who doesn't update will only see open sessions from the old builds.)
• Disable controller plug/unplug scan during game play (will now only look for new controllers in menus, including pause menu) to stop performance snags that occurred with some drivers
• add Japanese translation of the "number of full rooms" message