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Regarding Eye of the Beholder...

Has anyone else experienced mouse lagginess/skipping? I have i7 modern gamer PC that can run modern games but... running DOSBox (default GOG settings)... the mouse seems to skip and makes the game appear to be jerky. (I know Eye of Beholder originally has some lag in the character attack sequence/frames when you right-click on your player's weapon).

I've played other DOSBox games and the mouse movements smooth and registers well.

Anyone else agree that the default GOG DOSBox settings makes the mouse not smooth and skips a lot?

What is recommended tweak/improvements?
Figured it out.

Just change cputype from auto to pentium_mmx
and make sure cycles is max limit 80000
I guess the auto... would've variable cpu power depending on windows round robin
Post edited July 17, 2020 by ginthecat
ginthecat: Figured it out.

Just change cputype from auto to pentium_mmx
and make sure cycles is max limit 80000
I guess the auto... would've variable cpu power depending on windows round robin
Basically in DOSBOX cputype auto uses the fastest option. And cycles auto in real mode old games sets the speed at 3000 cycles.
Cycles Auto in more modern protected mode games sets it to max, and cpu to auto sets it to dynamic if needed. Honestly I think cycles auto should be enough for this game specifically. It is pretty old. No idea why It does not run fine for you at default settings. I have even it set to cpu normal to a more detailed emulation at expense of a bit of cpu power.

All of this said, the animations in this game can feel like a bit slugish because apparently they need to finish their frames when you attack, for example. But I never encountered mouse lag or skips, etc in default settings.

Anyway If I am not wrong this game is not cpu speed dependant like other era games and setting it to someting like "cycles max" or "cycles max limit x" shouldn't have any harm. It should feel even smoother.

My idea is that you can try the game in scummvm to compare how it theoretically should run according to the scummvm defaut set speed and later try to manage It in dosbox to achieve that feel or speed.

Post edited August 16, 2020 by Gudadantza