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i answered the survey on backerkit long ago and selected GOG as my final platform for getting my digital edition of the game upon release.

information emails state that we would get our GOG keys through backerkit upon launch... sadly, when i click the "your rewards" button, it still only gives me the early access stealm key, and a key for the dlc bonuses, even though the backerkit review confirm i selected GOG for delivery.

from what i saw on the KS project page, i'm not alone having this issue.

any solution to solve that please ?
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Djaron: Greetings

i answered the survey on backerkit long ago and selected GOG as my final platform for getting my digital edition of the game upon release.

information emails state that we would get our GOG keys through backerkit upon launch... sadly, when i click the "your rewards" button, it still only gives me the early access stealm key, and a key for the dlc bonuses, even though the backerkit review confirm i selected GOG for delivery.

from what i saw on the KS project page, i'm not alone having this issue.

any solution to solve that please ?
Patience, I guess...
The issue hasn't be solved yet, so I'm afraid we´ll have to wait until monday to get something
Sadly, that's not the first KS project I back to find out that a proper GOG keys distribution has been neglected. Truly annoying...

Btw, nice avatar! ;)
i find it great, as a backer of a project for over a year... to be the least served and to get game delivered days (or weeks, for another project i wont mention here) after everyone else could enjoy it, just because i dared to choose to play DRM free and even if this choice was clearly upfront offered from the beginning and confirmed during a crowdfunding campaign...

so i dunno what happened here but i really hope it wont test my patience for as long as the two previous crowdfunding projects that screw up on me and many others, because it would add itself to a sad evergrowing list :(

so i'll wait, and i'll put some faith and trust in the devs and publisher for a few days... but any resolution beyond the next two weeks may sound quite sour and bitter afaic.

(and yes, indeed... nice avatar obviously :) )
Post edited April 21, 2018 by Djaron
i had some answer from someone at ironoak games... it seems the gog keys delivery delay would be cused by the manual delivery method of keys from/by GOG.

dunno if it's true; but then just in case it would be a GOG-sided issue, please folks here, quicken up the pace, mind you ? because you are clearly doing disfavor both to a new game, but also, and that's more important, such incident just keep people thinking it's risky and not worthing the trouble to ever try to work with you or to bother supplying DRM-free builds of devs new games in general.

with that, it is difficult to try to advocate for drm free games around oneself, plus it builds up the whole "second class customers" feeling a bit more, and many devs/publishers already are actively working on that one, so there is no need for GOG to add more troubles in the cogs, frankly...
OKAY, now you have your fancy social profiles...

can we, "For the King" GOG backers, get our keys please ? or...
I am afraid this time it is mainly developers' fault...
It is true that GOG have a sluggish method of distributing keys. Some companies are aware of this and start asking for keys in advance (they can even distribute them before release if the game is listed as "upcoming" or is available for preorder). But that's not quite usual.
In most of the cases, there is a delay of several hours or one day. And, if a game is released on Friday, guess what happens to backers... There is a high chance that they aren't getting their rewards until Monday.
But FTK was released on THURSDAY and we haven't received anything yet...
So, I believe Iron Oak Games has a big part of responsability on this mess.
i dont know...

gog would say it's devs fault, devs would claimit's gog fault

so far we all had seen how GOG could go bonkers on its regular activities whenever they are rushing to screw up the implementation of yet another whimsical feature that only serves pushing up their Galaxy client

i remember when Galaxy appeared and until it exited beta, i had to suffer a dramatic drop in the quality of any support i received regarding tech or customer support requests i would send, with the ground breaking gold medal of over 2 months for an account based bug that prevented me to successfully pay my orders, a bug that could only be fixed from their side, that i had to relaunch the request 5 times in the two monthes, while i had to pesker a friend of mine to do the purchases for me and gift them to me meanwhile...

so, sorry, but given the whole social profile madness, i am completely inclined to believe the devs who would tell me that GOG is currently having insane delay for generating/supllying keys, rather than think that GOG is prfect and flawless at it and Devs are lying

after all, please consider that bothering themselves to ever provide DRM free version of games is costy, is a risk, and most of all, not really worthes the pain and trouble, considering the major actor's alternative for them that is convenient

some devs/publishers end up releasing games on GOG only AFTER having made the major share of their sale on said platform . Here we are talking of devs who willingly made the choice of proposing DRM free games through GOG only (could have gone Humble, frankly) from the very beginning, during a KS campaign, long before the game ever got released.
And the backers rewards choice for either gog or steam key were locked down and confirmed several monthes ago, so the sheer volume of keys that was needed was known since long ago.

Under normal circumstances, i'd give GOG the benefit of the doubt.
Under current circonstances, given current GOG's agenda (implementing social crapfest, droping trouser and bending over for Facebook as well, rushing everythin they can before GPDR kicks in next month in EU in order to bypass it (which is already a shady practice, if you ask me)... NO, this time at least, i DONT give GOG the benefitof the doubt

And i will remain upset and salty as long as i dont get my GOG key, especially as i paid for it in advance one year ago, and that regular customers could already buy the game on 19th april for same price and play it. As a KS backer, i dont claim or dare to ask for cheaper price or earlier availability (which is, however, usually how it works for most campaign) but at least i also expect not to be served LAST or one week after (if not longer) than everyone else (again... RIOT: Civiil Unrest incident... took me 2 months and several mails to get my key... while i backed it 3 years before release)

sorry if my words seem harsh and are disappointing you, but it seems that it's harder and harder to stick being a drm free customer, and i have to resign on being treated not as second class, but third class customer..
At last, keys are arriving!

Anger levels now descending to standard values...
I'd say the delay was due to the combination of 3 factors:

-GOG's inefficient delivery process.
-Dev's inexperience of dealing with GOG.
-Timetable differences might have added an extra day...

Btw, when I redeem the key, the page says that there are 2 items to claim, but I only see and get For The King, does this happen to anyone else as well?
Lone_Scout: Btw, when I redeem the key, the page says that there are 2 items to claim, but I only see and get For The King, does this happen to anyone else as well?
Was the same for me. I'd assume the second item might have been the Kickstarter reward additions, but then again, perhaps not.
Sorry there was a dely with getting your keys... You are correct in your assumptions that the key system for GOG is entirely manual, and we have to contact them to request them... In steam: it's an automated process. We also have very little experience dealing with GOG, and the documentation is terrible...

If you have issues with your keys, please reach out to contact - at - iron oak games - dot - com with relevant credential information.