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When launching FO1, I'm getting the rainbow colour problem.

I started with installing GOG FO1 which is patched to v1.2 I believe.

Then followed this mod/tweaks process:

2) Find and install "Fallout_1_TeamX_Patch_ENG_1.2w" (either via nma or just google)
3) Install "f1child_patch" (again, nma)
4) Install "fallup13" - this is the TeamX patch 1.3.4 (nma)
5) Install "f1npcmod" from TeamX (again, nma)
6) Install "sfall1" (from
7) Install "Fallout1_High_Resolution_Patch_v1.3" (nma)
8) Open f1_res and set AUTO_SCRN_SIZE = 0, then your desired resolution (I use 800*600, anything above is just too darn small for my taste), then if you want, change the way ingame movies work, either fullscreen or not....up to you.Same with movie subtitles.

After each mod I started and checked the game was working and all was fine until I installed mod 6 *sfall1*. When starting the game after this mod the colours were all messed up and the screen would occasionally go black and would only become visible as and when I moved the mouse pointer over each area (hope that makes sense).

I've checked on google and it seems this is not uncommon but there doesn't seem to be a definitive fix. For instance, I tried most of the suggestions from here

Finally am running Win7 x64 and the game is in C:Games/Gog/Fallout directory.

Replying to my own post - it's a little sad :(

I thought I'd let people know that I tried so many suggestions and this is the only one that works.

Thanks to DreadMoth for the solution

Edit: Or even better - don't install the sfall patch.
Post edited July 01, 2012 by pigdog
What do you have against rainbows? They're pretty! >:(