DarthSpie: Same place as for the changing of the screen size?
I can not find the options on the screen for Fallout 1. When i start up it says intro, new game, load game, credits, exit game. When I start a game it's only thing is preferences and there is nothing there to change the screen size....
I found where I needed to change it. it was the res_ini. file.
Do you know how you stop the rainbowed pixelation prob? or is that a reason to change it to 16bit?
I actually think you may need team x's patch before you apply the high res mod just to get the game to the US version as the gog version is UK I believe. That might be why your not seeing the option button on the start screen. Then yea you will want 16 bit colour as well but you shouldn't be getting rainbow pixelation in 8bit anyway it will just look worse.
This site
Has the high res mod and instructions on what versions it works with.
The teamx 1.2 patch is here
If you install that first and then the high res mod over the top next time you go into the game it should have an options menu with that scrn button at the top as well as a ton of other options.
Edit: I can't link directly to the patch as its running through a translator but you want to go to the files button, then patches and then grab the fallout v 1.2 semi official one.