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About 260 hours into this game, really loved playing it. I've completed every achievement, but one is still not registering.

The first time i got a town center to level 10, the "Max Base" achievement, was in one of the later campaigns. After finishing the campaigns i started a new custom game. I got my town center to level 10 just over a week ago. Since getting the town center to level 10, i've finished a few other achievements, the rings and crown, and those eventually registered after a couple days. However, the "Max Base" achievement has still not registered. It's been over a week. I have entered and left the game many, many times. I've gone on to build the OmniTemple and do some of the infinite research options.

Having finished every achievement, but not being able to get credit for one that i've actually done a couple times, is getting really frustrating, tainting my enjoyment of the game. Is there anything that can be done to force the "Max Base" achievement to register?
Update: Have gone on to do a little more infinite research and place a few more decorative items. Losing interest in the game after working so hard to get all the achievements, but still not getting credit for the "Max Base" achievement, almost two weeks after doing it the second time.
I can confirm that most of these achievements unlock with a delay (or don't unlock at all) if you don't follow a specific procedure.

Thanks to your post, I took my precautions when trying to get "Max Base". I managed to get it quite easily (and all the other achievements as well). What I did was this: right before upgrading your Town Center to level 10, save your game on a separate file, close the game, restart your separate save and upgrade your Town Center. It should unlock a few minutes later (no more than that). If it doesn't, rince and repeat with your separate save. I did this in Campaign 8.

You can apply this strategy for all the other achievements (especially for the campaign ones). For the production achievements, start your production and then restart your game. It should work without too much hassle.

In case you're wondering when you can first unlock these achievements, here's a complete list:

During Campaign 1 or +
-> Yellow Coin, Red Coin, First Day of School

During Campaign 2 or +
-> Warm Coat

During Campaign 3 or +
-> Iron Plate, Fish Stew

During Campaign 4 or +
-> Blue Coin, Meat Stew, Veggie Stew

During Campaign 5 or +
-> Mana Crystal, Purple Coin, Magic Cloak, Berry Cake

During Campaign 6 or +
-> Earth Crystal, Fire Crystal, Air Crystal, Water Crystal, Elixir*

During Campaign 7 or +
-> Omnistone, Crown, Water Ring, Fire Ring, Necklace

During Campaign 8
-> Max Base

*For the Elixir, you might think you can unlock this on Campaign 4, but you're actually trading it and not creating it. The achievement reads: "Create 1 Elixir".
You're right about the delay. All of the other achievements eventually registered. I expected the "Max Base" achievement to eventually register also, but it never did. I actually hadn't realized that it did not register during the campaigns, and when i upgraded to level 10 in my big non-campaign town i just assumed it would register like the other things. My husband and i both would see the "create 1 item" achievements register on our activity feed a day or two after we had actually done them, so i had no reason to think the "Max Base" achievement wouldn't do the same.

In hind-sight, your work-around is perfect! Unfortunately, after working so hard to get all of the achievements and being denied one of the most laborious ones, i just kinda lost interest and didn't play anymore. Logically, i know that i can build another town and get that achievement eventually, but already earning it twice without credit was disheartening. I've tried to go back, but it just hasn't felt the same anymore.
Post edited August 03, 2022 by Zeirlynn
I would have done the same mistake without your post. I understand the frustration.

Well, if you're still interested in getting this achievement, you have two quick options.

First option: If you still have the save from your big town, you can build another Town Center next to your main one and then follow the procedure I outlined (meaning upgrade to 9, save to separate file, restart, upgrade to 10). It requires 120 yellow coins, 700 red coins, 2500 blue coins and 10250 purple coins, so it can be quick if you have enough coins. I'm not sure if this would work but it's worth a try. It's possible you would have to delete the first one before upgrading the second one to 10 (you can try both ways).

Second option: I can give you my save. You would only have to click on the Town Center, upgrade it and wait.