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So I've played the first floor of "Jasindra" about fifteen times now... I've gotten to the point where I pretty much smoke my way across the bridge and get the key without even needing a potion anymore.

Once I unlock the door and go around the corner to the teleport, though, this damn Arch Lich spawns, except he's using the sorceress' "Darkness" attack. And by 'using' I mean 'spamming the hell out of it and killing me in a second.' I've tried everything I can think of. My Knight's enchanted shield doesn't help much. I stay alive a little longer but it doesn't block the DoT, only the initial hit, and he just piles them on. Then once my shield moves for me to actually try to, you know, hit the slimy bastard, I'm so dead.

Potions are out, since the time it takes to quaff one is enough for him to kill me TWICE without my shield and sword out. He doesn't spawn until you're right on top of him, so getting the drop on him with my X-bow is out, and he spawns too fast to pop him and then retreat.

I tried everything I could think of, right up to bum rushing him while he's still spawning and wailing on him. I still die horribly. So does anyone know the trick to this guy, before I end up raging?

On the off chance it's my equipment:
Knight with:
Flame Sword
Enchanted Shield
Redeemer Crossbow
Heavy Armor
Its been a while since I've played, but if your talking about the level that starts with you on the end of a bridge and has the castle in the centre area (where you can ease around the edge and get some money) then I always used the archer on that level (there's some money hidden on the outside of the right-sided hut at the end of the bridge, you have to go out the window with a smaller char to get it, not sure if you can jump to the tiny ledge with a knight - I've never managed it).

I usually end up loading all arrows in my bow and think "either he dies or I do" when I get to that point. But thats on the xbox version and I heard that collision detection with arrows on the PC version isnt that good/reliable, so this tactic might be very frustrating to do.
Yeah, you can't creep out the window with a knight, but you can just barely make the jump. Took me a few times to get it right.

You're not joking about the arrows. For sniping, the Huntress/Assassin are great, but the 4x burst... nope. Constantly goes right through the bastards (never seems to work that way for the monsters, though. :P)

The only way I have managed to get past that bugger is to pop him, then run all the way to the opposite end and hide around the corner to chug a potion and wait for him to follow me. Sometimes takes awhile but then I can jump out and burn him with the sword. Usually have to burn another potion or two afterwards though.

That dark spell is seriously OP.
Heh, I remember that room... gods, how I hate those Arch Liches...

I managed to get past it (And beat the level) with the halfling just by running around like a madman hitting everything stands in my way and drinking all the potions.
As you can see, it's a very carefully crafted tactic.

I think when I got to that mission I already got the better equipment (Heavy armour, 5 potions, magic axe, magic shield); 3-4 axe hits means one of our little Liche problems is gone.
So all I did was face a liche, hit him until the other liches hit me several times, start running around the room, drink potion, recover life, repeat. Notice I'm using the halfling: Its speed its a good helper to avoid those happy creatures to hit you.

It's a real hard part (Have I said already that I HATE LICHES?), but wiht a little luck you can beat it.

(Also, I haven't used other character than the Halfling in almost the whole game. Only the ports map, where the Huntres's sniper arrows are a blessing made me change the character)
Neurus_Ex: Heh, I remember that room... gods, how I hate those Arch Liches...

I managed to get past it (And beat the level) with the halfling just by running around like a madman hitting everything stands in my way and drinking all the potions.
As you can see, it's a very carefully crafted tactic.

I think when I got to that mission I already got the better equipment (Heavy armour, 5 potions, magic axe, magic shield); 3-4 axe hits means one of our little Liche problems is gone.
So all I did was face a liche, hit him until the other liches hit me several times, start running around the room, drink potion, recover life, repeat. Notice I'm using the halfling: Its speed its a good helper to avoid those happy creatures to hit you.

It's a real hard part (Have I said already that I HATE LICHES?), but wiht a little luck you can beat it.
That's the weird thing about that level, and that particular Lich. All the other ones, including the one you fight as a "mini-boss" in the sanctuary, all use the "Staff of the Damned" on you, shooting those stupid black bats and summoning those one-shottable (Flame sword, F* yeah!) skellies.

THAT one shows up in a tiny room and uses the Darkness of Despair, so you get all the suck of a lich with all the suck of a sorceress. >_<

I managed to handle it much the same way on my second run to get all the gold. Just go to where he spawned and start spamming the sword before he even popped. Still cost me half my life, but the little bugger went down.

The good side about that staff tho... once YOU can afford it, there are precious few levels through both campaigns where it doesn't seriously own face. Combine it with Psionic Domination and you don't even need armor. <_<
Argh... I finally get the chop on this lich, and head thru the portal, hoping for a checkpoint. Nope, just a couple more liches, and I promptly died.
mikehkd: Argh... I finally get the chop on this lich, and head thru the portal, hoping for a checkpoint. Nope, just a couple more liches, and I promptly died.
I just beat the game yesterday and I remember this part, it was a real pain in the a**! I also used the halfling with the same tactic as geminidomino and after a couple of tries it worked.

Same tactic and lots of luck are needed for the next room. It took me 15 tries I think.
Post edited July 28, 2012 by varialles