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I'm trying to grab a copy of my save game to take home from the office, and I can't figure out where the heck Enclave is storing it. Everything (what little there is) that I found said it should be in sbz1/Save/Name but that doesn't exist.

Running Windows 7 64bit

There's a temporary tree that ends with a gamestate.xrg in my AppData directory, under "VirtualStore" but that disappears whenever I close the game, so that doesn't seem to be it. Anyone have any idea?
Post edited February 28, 2012 by geminidomino
This question / problem has been solved by xXShaddowTXximage
Did you try using the search tool provided in the Start Menu of Windows?


That may have been rude.

Mine is in:

(Installation folder)\Sbz1\Save\(Profile Name)\

Maybe it's because you are using an office computer?

Also, I'm using Win 7 professional 64bit
Post edited March 03, 2012 by xXShaddowTXx
xXShaddowTXx: Did you try using the search tool provided in the Start Menu of Windows?


That may have been rude.

Mine is in:

(Installation folder)\Sbz1\Save\(Profile Name)\

Maybe it's because you are using an office computer?

Also, I'm using Win 7 professional 64bit
Yep, that was it. On my lappy, it's in the install dir.

Apparently windows 7 uses "VirtualStore" if you're not running as administrator and thus can't save into the installation directory.
Awesome! Glad I could help!