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I just picked this up dreading the thought of having to play in 3rd person as all the reviews say - But I took a chance cus the reviews were good and I was in need of a good game.

i was pleasantly surprised to find this game is playable in first person using the G key !!

I'm on mission 3 but I need to know.. is there a way to save in the middle of a mission?
I cannot seem to find a save option or a quicksave key.

Also just read this game can use Open GL. Yay, I have to try that.. OpenGL is way better than DirectX 9 to me. I use it for all my games now when possible and the graphics are much better, the games run smoother too.
No way to save mid-mission, unfortunately. It only saves after you've completed a level. The levels are generally pretty short though.
Well, there actually are checkpoints in the missions, but you can't exit the mission and the game, and then load the checkpoint. They are more like respawn points. If you get far enough in the level, you won't have to start the whole level over if you die. I should point out, though, that on the Medium difficulty level (and probably Hard), you lose gold each time you respawn. If you run out of gold, you have to start the mission over.

But as for saving in the middle of the mission, exiting, and then loading the save-- No, you can't do that. It's annoying sometimes, but as Grilledfish said, the levels typically aren't long.