Vlaphor: I'm at level 3 now and I need to swim, but it isn't working. I know that you need to push the go up/down buttons to swim, but they aren't working. My guy just kind of bobs on the surface, or rockets across it really fast. If I can't swim, then i can't beat the game, so any ideas of what to do?
Is there any chance that your keyboard has a modifier key for Page up/Page down that toggles, and maybe it is stuck on the wrong setting? For example, my laptop has a numeric keypad that also doubles as other functions, such as Home, Page Up etc. Which way they work depends on the state of the NumLock key.
Also, if you have more than one page up/page down on your keyboard, you might try the other one (numeric pad vs standalone on many keyboards).
Lastly, are you using any software anything that remaps keys or changes the keyboard layout through software? Most old DOS programs only work with the key scan codes (what the key has printed on it) and likely will not be interpreted correctly with software remapping