Grim_1: What I have done is extracted the whole PAK file, then renamed it so it uses the extracted files instead of the PAK file. While most changes can be done in the
.cfg files, some changes need to be done in the script files
(.inc). for instance: extracted files located at "Eador - Masters of the Broken World\data\scripts\units\", you will find the file "". it sets the variable for the stealth mode stamina penalty.
Line 4: "
[*] = ;const gc_StealthModeStaminaPenalty = 5;"
and can be set to whatever you want. Line 198 is where it actually deducts the variable. Several other
.INC files check to see if the stealth flag is active, and deducts additional stamina points like for attacking/shooting/moving. Each action can be found in its own file. This is where I mentioned deciphering the files as everything references variables. So each variable has to be researched to determine what action is happening and how much stamina it consumes.
:) Supergood ! :) It should now be possible to alter Stealth to become more useful, esp. considering that Thiefs are borderline weak that are commonly oneshotted by ranged units. However, I've done some extensive testing yesterday on it and it seems like Stealth does indeed also prevent the AI from being able to melee-attack you. With Recuperation+3 a Thief can stay infinitely stealthy with the AI being unable to finish you off, battle may -or may not- count as lost but troops seem to be completely restored after battle [BUG] and province captured [BUG]. That should not happen/ be possible under any outlay.
But actually such a scenario could be prevented by not giving stealthy units increased recuperation. Entering stealth mode itself counts as an action (with -1 Stam immediately) with -5 Stam on endturn, and only if the unit stays immobile on the next turn it'll trigger stam-recovery, which then results in only -3, so you have total of -9 in 2 turns - which is almost all Stam a starting unit has. The loss of it means usually certain death, and that is a bit too high a cost for not being able to be hit for 2 turns.
Before looking at the gamefles I didn't knew that Thiefs were also able to get StealAmmo_3 early on, so it seems like the design intent was that they go after enemy rangers/spellcasters - maybe entering stealth-mode when in shooting range, moving stealthed towards them and attacking when close. But that's not possible with the current level of stamina consumption, esp. moving in stealthed consumes add. -1 per tile [could this be removed as well?] That way a Thief can move 3 tiles at max, then being immobilized, even with additional stamina from upgrades won't do much damage at all.
Well, I need to experiment a little with this in order to find out the right balance, esp. in conjunction with abilites like Recuperation or Swiftness or SecondWind. I also find the StealAmmo ability a bit excessive in light of evil most likely has BurnAmmo spell and can get Harpy real easy (who can defeat enemy ranged/ spellcaster much more easy)
I have a question about the .PAK files. First off, I never extracted them but the file+folderstructure you mentioned is already there. So what is the reason you extracted them in the first place?
It also seems that the game uses/prioritizes the -already- extracted ones: Yesterday I was hex-editing a .lng file but bungled it at some time - game gave out an OOM error + crashed even before starting splash screen. Wasn't good enough to remedy it, so deleted the .lng file without replacement and expected that the game would default then russian or another language (when the english is missing) but it did indeed display the orig. eng text properly. It must've taken them out of the .PAK files.
BTW what language is the one I see in these .inc files? And how good is your skill reading that? :))) Because I was wondering if some stuff that currently annoys me is also located therein?
For example, the disability of Undead or certain Mercenaries not getting medals... It would be fun to create a unique set of medals for Undead, which mustn't be real medals but other gruesome stuff like additional vampiric fangs, potentially boosting some unique Undead stats like Necrophage, Vampirism or Soul Stealing.
The basic problem I have with Undead that one only plays with them under an Archmage, the +50% HP inbetween turns healing is excessively strong, but additional incombat healing via spell Vampirism is useless in a lot of instances (because might instead use the crystal cost to let the unti die & raise a fresh one).
And especially if you raise Undead with Mage, then transfer them over to another char, you'll notice they will just die away over time, esp. Zombies & Skeleton. It's not fun and needs some rebalancing (Mage class in particular)
I don't see why one is so limited being forced to go for this specific mandatory route when wanting to use Undead. Esp. because if someone uses conventional evil troops, adding Undead or Chaos creature will get them add. morale-boni.