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Hi everyone,
so, after a long time of shunning the RTS genre (last game I played was Dune:emperor as I wouldn't count GIANTS as RTS ;)) I really feel like getting into one again.
I had a closer look at earth 2160 and although it seems to have deep gameplay and a nice dark atmosphere, I think it's not quite what I feel like. I am looking for a fun and original game.

So my options boiled down to the ones mentioned in the thread title. DK 2 I played (the demo I think) back when it was released, it was good fun and I'm positive it still would be.
Sacrifice on the other hand was completey below my radar until I saw it on totalbiscuits top strategy games list today. It reminds me a bit of games such as Psychonauts, Beyond good and evil and giants (not so much considering game mechanics maybe, but from the art direction and all...). I must say I'm intrigued but haven't completely made up my mind yet. I only got very limited time and thus can't afford to get into both games.

So I thought, maybe you guys and gals could help me out and give some advice with nostalgic or newer memories of one or the other game or maybe even both!

Thanks and also thanks GOG, for being the ARTHOUSE in gaming business!
I'd say go for DK2 as it is much more accessible. Also, you have only a few missions with time constraints. Most of the time you can take the time to prepare your dungeon and your creatures for the raiding heroes.

Sacrifice had great visuals at the time, but it was waaay too hectic for me. Also, it wasn't self-explanatory how to proceed, especially in later missions, which is why I shelved the game for later - a later that never came.
Yeah DK2 is easier to get into,I've played both games.Both are good but DK2 is definately the better game IMO,easier to play and you don't feel rushed plus it has a sandpit aspect to it.
Lorzius: snip
Sacrifice is the superior game from every aspect. It has one of the best voice-acting ever in a game, great storyline, graphics are beautiful,and the gameplay is unique, it just doesn't exist in any other game. Also, did I mention it's made by Shiny Entertainment? The same company that gave us MDK, and other great games.

BUY SACRIFICE! There's nothing like it out there...
Lorzius: snip
So... You bought Sacrifice yet?
Thanks everyone for your opinions and advice!
Lorzius: snip
Licurg: So... You bought Sacrifice yet?
Yes, I did. As well as DK2 :)
I played both and to be totally honest: I'm enjoying DK2 more than sacrifice... I'm really missing the classic RTS feel I was going for and it feels a little overloaded with visual stimuli.
But above all, it would take some time for me to get into it, but alas, I'm short of time atm (can't even get to play Dishonored much). The first few missions I was pretty much clueless as to what to do also. I'll certainly pick it up some time in the future. If you feel like it, feel free to give me some tips as to how to enjoy the game better.
Lorzius: If you feel like it, feel free to give me some tips as to how to enjoy the game better.
Don't bother controlling your units. After you summon them, they just follow you automatically, you have to focus on

1.Keeping your wizard alive
2.Casting spells
3.Collecting the blue souls of your fallen minions
4.Re-summoning minions as they die
5.Collecting red(enemy) souls(best done after you killed the enemy wizard