Posted May 14, 2021
This patch makes vassals & tributaries more likely to happen, increases war weariness, makes it easier to get planet data, improves map readability, and fixes several more minor issues.
0.847 change list:
* fixed sounds getting played on map and then getting stuck playing (Exohydra/itgtdb)
* changed Schism/Trypanos shotgun type attack reuse time/damage mult from 0.6/0.6 to 0.8/0.3
* now races have a final chance to beg for mercy from an attacker
* increased VassalFearMult & TributaryFearMult from 0.3 to 0.75 (fear will lead to more vassals and tributaries)
* increased RelationChangeMinLongWar/RelationChangeMaxLongWar from -0.15/0.45 to -0.1/0.6
* decreased MaxWarWearinessRelation from 50.0 to 42.5
* halved plant spy cost
* now get all planet info when you get within scanning distance of a planet
* now get planet data when do any kind of spy action against a planet
* now primitives long war time is 1/4 of normal races
* now primitives relation change from war weariness is doubled
* added 5 icons for probes
* fixed rumor, propoganda, espionage, and sabotage chances not being at 70%/80%/90% like they were supposed to be
* increased size of black box on system map from 0.1 to 0.5
* increased size of non guarding ships on system map from 0.1 to 0.5
* names on system and sector map will no longer overlap (makes it easier to read)
* changed secret wormhole (ones not at system edges) lines on sector map from purple to red
* race freighter & diplomat ships now have shields
* fixed a federation vote for war issue
* now primitives get war weariness much faster than full races
* now stop the fighting correctly if go straight from war to a non-peace treaty (like a vassal)
* races no longer get mad at you if you do a quest for their vassal/tributary/protectorate even if they don't like them
* fixed another issue that made a race's planet power fluctuate a lot
* changed Lesser Schism from level 10 to 11 (already a Schism at level 10)
* fixed sometimes planets not scaling on system map when highlighting them
* fixed some stars on system map sometimes gaining flat clouds (itgtdb)
* increased Drakk colony ship scale from 0.28 to 0.5
* fixed sorting by race name on planets screen
* color coded Federation in 4 places
* moved getValidLocation from UIHelp to UISystem so could use other places
0.847 change list:
* fixed sounds getting played on map and then getting stuck playing (Exohydra/itgtdb)
* changed Schism/Trypanos shotgun type attack reuse time/damage mult from 0.6/0.6 to 0.8/0.3
* now races have a final chance to beg for mercy from an attacker
* increased VassalFearMult & TributaryFearMult from 0.3 to 0.75 (fear will lead to more vassals and tributaries)
* increased RelationChangeMinLongWar/RelationChangeMaxLongWar from -0.15/0.45 to -0.1/0.6
* decreased MaxWarWearinessRelation from 50.0 to 42.5
* halved plant spy cost
* now get all planet info when you get within scanning distance of a planet
* now get planet data when do any kind of spy action against a planet
* now primitives long war time is 1/4 of normal races
* now primitives relation change from war weariness is doubled
* added 5 icons for probes
* fixed rumor, propoganda, espionage, and sabotage chances not being at 70%/80%/90% like they were supposed to be
* increased size of black box on system map from 0.1 to 0.5
* increased size of non guarding ships on system map from 0.1 to 0.5
* names on system and sector map will no longer overlap (makes it easier to read)
* changed secret wormhole (ones not at system edges) lines on sector map from purple to red
* race freighter & diplomat ships now have shields
* fixed a federation vote for war issue
* now primitives get war weariness much faster than full races
* now stop the fighting correctly if go straight from war to a non-peace treaty (like a vassal)
* races no longer get mad at you if you do a quest for their vassal/tributary/protectorate even if they don't like them
* fixed another issue that made a race's planet power fluctuate a lot
* changed Lesser Schism from level 10 to 11 (already a Schism at level 10)
* fixed sometimes planets not scaling on system map when highlighting them
* fixed some stars on system map sometimes gaining flat clouds (itgtdb)
* increased Drakk colony ship scale from 0.28 to 0.5
* fixed sorting by race name on planets screen
* color coded Federation in 4 places
* moved getValidLocation from UIHelp to UISystem so could use other places