cogadh: That was true prior to Windows Vista, but since the restructuring of system security in Windows Vista, admins are not really admins all the time, but rather only when specified.
But there is a way to unlock the true administrator account in Vista and Win7 so that everything you do is run with administrator privileges. I've put instructions for how to do this in Vista below. I imagine Win7 is similar, if not the same, but I've never tried this in Win7.
Logon to Vista using your normal username and password (if you have one set up).
Click on the Start button.
Click on Start Search.
Type cmd into the search field.
Right-click cmd, select 'Run as administrator' from the shortcut menu.
In the black 'DOS box', type the following at the command line:
Net user administrator /active:yes
Check the message : The command completed successfully
Trap1: There should be no space between the word 'active' and the colon.
/active :yes is wrong.
/active:yes is correct.
Trap2: You need a forward slash before /active
Net user administrator active:yes is wrong
Net user administrator /active:yes is correct
Trap3: Pay close attention to the command, it should be active, not activate.
Switch User, or logoff
From now on the Administrator account will appear as an option on the Welcome screen, along with any user accounts you may have set up. Use it like any other account.
If you want to disable the account and hide it, enter this command at an elevated command prompt (but not whilst logged in using the administrator account itself):
Net user administrator /active:no
Optionally, you can then add a password to this true administrator account.