Toukana_Dom: surpriiiiise! :D
Really cool! Very much looking forward to seeing this arrive. Tempted to get some friends who go to Essen to just acquire this for me sight unseen - but realistically I should wait for the English language version so my main game group can play without trouble.
Could you give us some comparisons to similar games, complexity-wise? Or: What would you expect the weight to be, on the BGG scale? I was assuming there'd be a lot more going on than with, say, Carcassonne - but thinking about it some, I'm actually guessing probably less - sticking to the zen-like nature of the videogame, and just going for the challenge of perfect placements plus quests?
Is this purely a coop, and is the main goal solely to try to score as many points together as possible, or is there also a competitive variant where players build the landscape together, but score points individually?
I'm particularly excited about the potential of it playing up to 6, as there's not nearly enough games which go that high (while my regular game group does have that size; luckily we're not nearly tired of Keyflower yet, but another option would definitely be welcome). Downtime for tile laying games tends to increase with each new tile, though. Do you have any mechanisms to limit that (e.g. simultaneous action), or ...?