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I have just gotten started playing Divinity Original Sin EE, after finally settling on my two primary character, a Fighter and a Wizard. How can I delete the saved games with characters I decided to not use (Battlemage, ranger, etc.) I do not want to clutter up my computer' HD.

As to the main question- any ideas on choosing the best talents, attributes, etc. for my Wizard and what kind of Wiz plays best- straight or a hybrid, such as a Wizard mated with a healing skills or ranged weapon skills or rogue skills?
I do have some pretty good ideas of how to use my Fighter to a Baldur's Gate Fighter -Rogue-Mage type.

From what I read about the game, the idea is to not keep your avatar's in a rigid format.
Thanks for any input. Muzzien
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Muzzien: I have just gotten started playing Divinity Original Sin EE, after finally settling on my two primary character, a Fighter and a Wizard. How can I delete the saved games with characters I decided to not use (Battlemage, ranger, etc.) I do not want to clutter up my computer' HD.

As to the main question- any ideas on choosing the best talents, attributes, etc. for my Wizard and what kind of Wiz plays best- straight or a hybrid, such as a Wizard mated with a healing skills or ranged weapon skills or rogue skills?
I do have some pretty good ideas of how to use my Fighter to a Baldur's Gate Fighter -Rogue-Mage type.

From what I read about the game, the idea is to not keep your avatar's in a rigid format.
Thanks for any input. Muzzien
I do not know if it will be of any help but i will tell you about my dream team. I started with mains Witch and Rogue just to be able to open locks and summon minions from the start.
-My Witch got both Witchcraft (summons, bleeding and debufs) and Geomancy (poison, buffs, some aoe damage and summons) so she is great with summoning and support also had Charisma, loremaster and i added leadershp (she is the leader that talks to people). Also you can add a point or two to barter if you like.
-My Rogue had already Scoundrel, lockpick and single handed wespons (daggers for backstab), she also got some lucky charm (better luck when looting) and Aerotheurge (mostly for become air and skills with stun that helps with backstab and some scoundrel atacks). One of you chars should also have some telekinesis just in case.
Later you got companions to chose so i added two that complited my team will all the posible skills. So i added:
-Madora she is a Knight with man-at arms skils, two handed, added points in skills armor spec and body build also Blacksmithing (becouse why not, it is usefull), and then Pyrokinetic to give her some more options in a fight (burns) and also summon fire elemental (the irony becouuse she hates magic :).
-Bairdotr the ranger to add marksman and bow skills to the team, also crafting (to be able to make all items) some body build and willpower (just becouse i made her also the prime healer/second support so she need to be alive and well, also also willpower is good to be added to anyone :), and of corse she got Hydrosophist (mayor heal, rain, support).
And with that i have a well ballanced team with all tipes of damage and many difrent summons, movement skills and combo oportunities (rain + lightning to stun, poisone + fire to make a big boom and so on). Of corse you need to add some inteligence to even the warrior tipes in that kind of a team but items can help with that.
Also you can add some usefull bonuses tru traits gained with conversation so it is wise to plan them for the main chars at the start and then stick with it (i had more social oriented on the witch like loremaster and leardership and more sneak/combat on the rogue like backstab bonus and pickpoket and luck).
Last we got the talents. There are some realy nice ones like Leech that lets you heal whe walking on blood (nice with witchcraft bloodletting spell) or Pet Pal (let you talk to animals that may help with some quests). I will also recomend at low levels: Bully (nice dammage boost), Back-Stabber (for scoundrels), Guerrilla (not only for scoundrels :) Arrow Recovery (for ranger tipe chars), Courageous (fear immunity and who would want to flee from combat anyway?:) and Opportunist (good for chars on the front line, helps protect the back lines). Latter on there are some nice skills connecter to higher levels of abilities like Lightning Rod and Stand Your Ground (for some added protection).
And i have to say something about the zombie talent. It is an interesting option but you may want to leave it for a second playtru, it may be tricky to use before you know the game and what to expect.

In conclusion. Have a ballanced team, many options for team combo, many summon options for diifrent situations, Willpower helps with not getting stuned and loosing a turn, diveresity in weapon will let you use more of the loot you find and always try to upgrade you weapons and armor with crafting/blacksmitting, Ok that is all i could thing for now i hope it will help even a little :)