derelict.765: Another question on the topic of using legacy mods.
I'm installing Better Tavern Music; it says to install the mod in the data directory, then delete the original files from the original directory, but there *aren't* .wem files anywhere else in the game directory.
What do I need to do about this?
My system and install:
Windows 7 64-bit
F:\Games\Divinity - Original Sin Enhanced Edition
pleasenoname: Divinity Original Sin Enhanced Edition\Data\Public\Main\Assets\Sound,
is where you install the sound files. The download already has Data>Public>Main>Assets>Sound in it. So just uncompressing it and putting it in Divinity Original Sin Enhanced Edition folder will have it in the correct place.
You read the uninstall instructions, you don't need to delete anything if you are installing it.
This thread's a while old now but I'll give it a bump, my first time playing D:OS EE, I was looking to add this to the crafting: I can't see the 'ItemCombos.txt' in the original install directory 'C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Galaxy\Games\Divinity - Original Sin Enhanced Edition\'
I tried adding the new folders containing the ItemCombos.txt (Public\Shared\Stats) to the data folder inside the main install directory but it doesn't seem to make a difference.
The first thing I tried was 'Fire Arrowhead = Arrowhead + Cloth Scraps' but I got cloth boots, that's not going to do much damage to the undead haha.
Can anyone help?