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Hello, a while ago I downloaded Divine Divinity from GOG and played for a while all the way to Rivertown before hanging it up for a bit. I recently tried to return to my playthrough and encountered an odd bug.

Everything is changed with regards to the colors. The paths and ground seem the same, but, my character, other characters, trees, carts, etc. are all black. I honestly don't know what happened. I tried to start a new game to see if it was my save file and the same bug afflicts a new game as well. Has anyone encountered this and does anyone know what to do? I'd appreciate some help with this.
This question / problem has been solved by Raze_Larianimage
buysgames: The paths and ground seem the same, but, my character, other characters, trees, carts, etc. are all black.
In the configuration program (configtool.exe in the install folder) check off the 'Use AlphaBit' option. That should avoid problems with graphics cards that do not support colour keying, which will cause a similar problem (black boxes around items/characters).

Also in the configuration program, try switching to Software rendering, rather than Direct3D, or lower the game resolution, to see if that will make a difference.

Try rebooting your computer, if you haven't done so while troubleshooting. If I leave mine on long enough, eventually I'll get a different graphical problem (dark shadows and rainbow colours underground or at night), until I reboot (though it can also sometimes go away on its own, as well).

Try the Windows 8 Performance "Patch" (works in Win 7 and 10, as well). That can help with some graphics issues.

In the Divine Divinity install folder, try right clicking on the div.exe program file, select Properties, switch to the Compatibility tab and try different compatibility modes. In Win 7, disable desktop composition and check 'Disable display scaling on high DPI settings'; for Win 10, check 'Override high DPI scaling behavior' and set it to Application.

You can try using the disk version of the configuration program, to set the game to run in Direct Draw mode. Rename or move the existing configtool.exe and NlsEng.dll files in the install folder, and extract the disk versions from the zip file. Note that this will also reset the game resolution to what the disk version supported, but you can manually edit the config.div file to change the resolution back.

WineD3D may work better than Direct3D
Hello. I tried the solution you mentioned about switching it to software rendering and it worked! The issue has been resolved. Thank you very much for your help!
Hi buysgames,
I think I am having exactly the same issue.
I am however already using the software rendering.
The only other start up trick I use is setting the affinity to a single CPU.
(Task Manager > Details tab > Right Click on div.exe > Set Affinity > Turn off all CPUs except one (e.g. "CPU 0"))
Just as a point of interest (if others ever wander this way). I can go back to earlier save games and everything is fine. The most recent half dozen or so save games all load with the issue I believe you described.
I am using a GOG release on an up to date W10 installation with an Nvidia card

Are you aware of any other settings you make use of ?

Following the advice on another post on GOG
Divine Divinity black textures bug
Hard stopped my PC and restarted and everything was OK
Post edited November 13, 2019 by Rostelle