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I just bought and started playing this and WOW is the keyboard layout bad.
It's making me stop and have to think EVERY time I need to press the interact button!

E is usually the activate key for pretty much every game I play; if it's not that to start, I change it to that.
F would make FAAAAR more sense to be the Flashlight key!

I havn'tt had to deal with much else yet, as I've JUST finished installing the game, but man I HAD to say how jolting this keyboard layout is.
Yes, just an option, remap keyboard.
ast486: I just bought and started playing this and WOW is the keyboard layout bad.
It's making me stop and have to think EVERY time I need to press the interact button!

E is usually the activate key for pretty much every game I play; if it's not that to start, I change it to that.
F would make FAAAAR more sense to be the Flashlight key!

I havn'tt had to deal with much else yet, as I've JUST finished installing the game, but man I HAD to say how jolting this keyboard layout is.
I agree with you. I have a french keyboard and the game is just unplayable right now.
Hey ast486, Laitcaille and Madus,

I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble playing because of this! We've noticed the desire for custom key bindings and we're taking it into consideration. I cannot, however, promise it will be added at this time.

I hope you'll still be able to enjoy the game without!

Post edited October 14, 2019 by SarahBaker
I'm sure the developer will never release a patch that will allow the keys to be remapped. Would running an autohotkey script work with this game? Like an autohotkey script that binds all the keys to whatever you want? I do that with some of my other games.
Post edited October 15, 2019 by user deleted
Hey everyone,

One of our programmer's has posted a workaround on the Steam Forums. Perhaps it might be of use to you as well!

I'm not allowed to post links (I'm guessing my account is too new). So note that I've removed part of the link.

Link to Steam thread: https://steamcommunity[dot com]/app/428660/discussions/0/3175526477754145124/?ctp=2

- Developer
I purchased this game from gog and took a chance that autohotkey would allow me to remap the controls. And... it works! You can use any keys you want to rebind the controls in this game with autohotkey. Here is the script I use with pressing the X key to exit the script after playing the game. Again, you could substitute any keys you want though. The arrow keys already work for movement for anyone who uses them like I do.

Post edited October 19, 2019 by user deleted
Guys it's 2019, grow the F up from this lazy console-optimized bullshit, I paid for the game, I expect to be able to control it the way I want! Rebindable keys is what makes or breaks a PC game these days!
Nice to know there is no rebindability.

Removed from wishlist.

GoG (and ANY store actually) really need to display clearly if and how a game has rebindable controls. I'm fed up to be encouraged to pirate a game just to see if I'll be able to play it.
SarahBaker: I hope you'll still be able to enjoy the game without!
Of course they won't, image strafing left with y, right with fn forward with b and backward with u. Seems like fun to you? :/
Post edited November 25, 2019 by Zoidberg
Well shoot! I'm a lefty and it's hard to play games without the rebinding feature, I'll wait and see what happens.
Zoidberg: Nice to know there is no rebindability.
Seriously..? in 2019.. in december 2019 you cannot change the keys on this game ?
I just bought this game in the Winter Sale.

It came as a big shock to find I was not allowed to remap the keys. I bought it because it got such a positive rating from players. No-one mentioned a lack of key re-mapping in their reviews.

I play left-handed. Mouse in left hand, numpad for the right hand. WASD is always substituted with 8456. Q becomes 7, E becomes 9. There's plenty of other keys around for me to remap everything to my "usual" (preferred) layout. But I'm not allowed? Game breaker in this case.

Trying to get my right hand across to WASD has proven impossibly awkward.
Invariably my fingers stray, so I end up on ESDF instead of WASD. Having to look down to check where the key I need is, breaks the game completely. And there often isn't the time available to check first.

This isn't a foreign language problem. I'm using English on a UK keyboard.
But the 10% of lefties in the world that have never used WASD default, would find it impossible to play this game as it is now.

What truly breaks it, is that so much of the game requires precision and timing to meet the tight time deadlines. You cannot afford to miss one keypress sometimes, and that ruins the experience completely when you're never comfortable with the keyboard.

Right now I'm stuck on "return to Pearson" and cannot get back, for the life of me. Of course, I missed the first grab, since I couldn't find the "F" key quickly enough. Got the second grab, but returning now seems impossible, with a scripted event always out of range.
After 20 consecutive fails (and quite a few more on previous levels that were purely due to having the wrong key under my finger at the moment it mattered), I'm (frustration-quitting) giving up and abandoning it until you bring out a key remapping patch.
I didn't even stop to check whether this might be a problem. I can't recall the last time a game did not include a key binding change functionality.

Extremely disappointed. I'm even tempted to ask for a refund, since the general response is that DLC for the 90% matters more than making the game playable for the excluded 10%.

I note there is hope to use the AutoHotKey program mentioned in a previous post to force a remap from outside the game.
But I shouldn't have to do that.
Besides, I often alt-tab out of a paused game to check how other things are getting on (like emails), and that can't work if I'm using a global key mapper for all of windows.
Has the key remapping been solved? I have this game in my cart but won't purchase till I can remap keys, or not at all if I lose interest.

Has key bindings being remappable been solved?
jayventuri: Has the key remapping been solved? I have this game in my cart but won't purchase till I can remap keys, or not at all if I lose interest.

Has key bindings being remappable been solved?
nothing gets resolved by these devs!

Unreal Engine 4 game, but NO surround sound, NO fullscreen, NO resolution selection in window borderless mode!
Post edited April 21, 2021 by CrazyJake1
I was going to purchase it as well, but my ballooning wallet won't allow for it at this time, so I'll toss it back into the wishlist for now... It does suck that they're anti-rebind devs.

But yeah, auto hotkey is pretty easy to use and create scripts for, as once you can do that, anti-rebind devs have no more power over you!
Post edited December 30, 2021 by TZODnmr2k5