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Now, blame it on me for not doing the basic googling one is expected to do in 2021. I do feel extremely stupid for not knowing Acid Nerve were the guys behind another game I absolutely loved, and one I've been comparing to Death's Door since I played the first five minutes of the latter, but, hey!, at least the happy surprise was even more... surprising, now that I got the "true ending". I'm not going to spoil anything, but I guess it's not really hard to spoil it for yourselves, if you do the googling I didn't do -- and I'm already letting on too much in this thread, by the way.

If I could, I'd raise my score on Death's Door GOG page, even though I already gave it the maximum of five stars. There are games out there for each person, this one will definitely not appeal to everyone, that's just the way the cookie crumbles, but, for me, this is THE game. Not that it matters much, but I'm so happy I supported Acid Nerve, not just by buying Death's Door, but by getting their *other game* (OK, it's Titan Souls, no point in trying to making this a secret, it's right there when you search by developer here on GOG).

You guys absolutely rock, and I'm eagerly awaiting what you come up with next. Now, excuse me while I go look for the 4 shrines I haven't found yet, max the 2 stats I haven't and get the couple of shiny objects I'm still missing,
Post edited August 01, 2021 by groze
Thanks, glad you enjoyed the game! It was definitely made with the hopes that anyone who really enjoyed Titan Souls would get an extra kick out of playing Deaths Door, so I'm glad it resonated with you in that way.