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Hi all!

I haven't played this game in a long time and was just wondering how my character is going :)

Totally up for critique!

Currently using a magic missile bow with +40% chance to hit (not that it matters with the enchantment) also I have maxed out reflections and berserker :)
nya2.png (309 Kb)
totallytwee: Hi all!

I haven't played this game in a long time and was just wondering how my character is going :)

Totally up for critique!

Currently using a magic missile bow with +40% chance to hit (not that it matters with the enchantment) also I have maxed out reflections and berserker :)
Holy smokes! You've been playing a lot. :) I like the magic-dex combo. I never really tried that.
The Thief (female) is my favorite character. Work on using her "steal" skill to grab extra stuff from monsters!

Also, on an undocumented bug... her "disarm" skill can be used to open chests, throw levers, use mana/health pools as long as the character can see it on screen, but can't physically walk to the area; like it's behind a closed or barred door. It's great fun! 8)

Oh... and one of the best bows is the Storm Bow, which causes an area effect that pushes enemies back!
Post edited April 13, 2012 by Foucter
Your thief looks good. :)

I tended to make mine use throwing axes because they worked as close melee weapon damage...but I didn't want to play as the male Assassin. :D My fave class was always the Monk but Thief was my 2nd.

I need to pull out my discs and play it again. lol
Thanks for all the response guys :)

I didn't know about the disarm skill hahaha that's pretty awesome :D

Have yet to find a storm enchantment on a bow, axe or knife :(

Just starting up Hero difficulty now! Master was quite intense, thankfully had some help (my brother is playing a Sorceress) haha :)

And yeah Kranky defs pull it out :D it's a heap of fun!

The only issue I'm running into now is that my bows durability goes down so quickly (probably because I shoot so fast!)