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Remember to disable your mods to see what changes take place. Many of us have so many mods, the game was almost playable. Now, so many mods need V1.2 upgrades and also the location folder has changed too.
The game was always playable.
Maybe you need you upgrade your PC ?
sloniu35: The game was always playable.
Maybe you need you upgrade your PC ?
Perhaps you should take a few lessons in English.

"Many of us have so many mods, the game was almost playable."

Nowhere does it say the base game was not playable. It pretty clearly states that with all the mods it's almost playable.

But thanks for your input. I am sure you were pretty happy with yourself with that wonderful reply

It runs mostly fine on my C-64e with dual notched drives.
Post edited March 30, 2021 by mad_crease
sloniu35: The game was always playable.
Maybe you need you upgrade your PC ?
I have to say, I have a pretty good PC and I'm about 100 hours in and I have had none of the glitches people are talking about and just about a bug free experience. I'm assuming it's either low tier PCs or consoles that are having a problem. I think going forward the AAA games developed are just not going to be playable without a higher tier PC and not at all on consoles.
The level of gaming development software has risen to the point that they can do incredible things, like ray tracing, and that is what AAA developers are gonna want to produce. However these are going to require fairly beefy PCs and consoles are just never gonna be up to the task. You just can't make a console as powerful as a PC without it costing the same as a PC. At that point why would you even get a console?
Consoles were originally designed to allow people to play vid games at a lower cost than a PC and without having to know anything about PCs. With the rising costs of consoles and the technical level games are being produced, I think we are headed back to the days of old where the high end games were only available on PC. I think one of the main mistakes CDPR made, besides letting the greedy bean counters make decisions is trying to make a game like this playable on last gen or even consoles at all. You really can't appreciate all that CP is capable of on any console much less last gen. And even if you could, why would I pay the same amount for a lower quality experience on a potato or console that was so much better on a capable PC.
I really feel for the poor folks who are having so many problems but I think the amount of computing power needed for this game is just too much for consoles and as far as on PC, I wouldn't even try to play it w/o a fairly good Graphics card
sloniu35: The game was always playable.
Maybe you need you upgrade your PC ?
wolfhorse60: I have to say, I have a pretty good PC and I'm about 100 hours in and I have had none of the glitches people are talking about and just about a bug free experience. I'm assuming it's either low tier PCs or consoles that are having a problem. I think going forward the AAA games developed are just not going to be playable without a higher tier PC and not at all on consoles.
The level of gaming development software has risen to the point that they can do incredible things, like ray tracing, and that is what AAA developers are gonna want to produce. However these are going to require fairly beefy PCs and consoles are just never gonna be up to the task. You just can't make a console as powerful as a PC without it costing the same as a PC. At that point why would you even get a console?
Consoles were originally designed to allow people to play vid games at a lower cost than a PC and without having to know anything about PCs. With the rising costs of consoles and the technical level games are being produced, I think we are headed back to the days of old where the high end games were only available on PC. I think one of the main mistakes CDPR made, besides letting the greedy bean counters make decisions is trying to make a game like this playable on last gen or even consoles at all. You really can't appreciate all that CP is capable of on any console much less last gen. And even if you could, why would I pay the same amount for a lower quality experience on a potato or console that was so much better on a capable PC.
I really feel for the poor folks who are having so many problems but I think the amount of computing power needed for this game is just too much for consoles and as far as on PC, I wouldn't even try to play it w/o a fairly good Graphics card
I have a top notch PC by modern standards - Ryzen 7 5800x, RTX 3090, 64 GB RAM, Samsung 980 Pro NVMe drive. You just can't go much better than this really. I had lots and lots of graphical glitches and obviously some mechanics / quest issues (admittedly nothing that would prevent you from playing / progressing in game). The game crashed maybe twice during the entire playthrough, so crashing was really not a problem. However, it would be unfair and misleading to say that this game is a polished experience on a high-end PC - a polished and bug-free experience it is not. Framerates are also not good enough in my view considering the PC power - I managed to get maybe 60-70 FPS in the city (with DLSS quality). Without DLSS it was pretty much unplayable - 40-50, dropping below every now and then.

I don't disagree that this game may never run well on consoles - although other games with open world experience and similar map sizes do run on those.
wolfhorse60: I have to say, I have a pretty good PC and I'm about 100 hours in and I have had none of the glitches people are talking about and just about a bug free experience. I'm assuming it's either low tier PCs or consoles that are having a problem. I think going forward the AAA games developed are just not going to be playable without a higher tier PC and not at all on consoles.
The level of gaming development software has risen to the point that they can do incredible things, like ray tracing, and that is what AAA developers are gonna want to produce. However these are going to require fairly beefy PCs and consoles are just never gonna be up to the task. You just can't make a console as powerful as a PC without it costing the same as a PC. At that point why would you even get a console?
Consoles were originally designed to allow people to play vid games at a lower cost than a PC and without having to know anything about PCs. With the rising costs of consoles and the technical level games are being produced, I think we are headed back to the days of old where the high end games were only available on PC. I think one of the main mistakes CDPR made, besides letting the greedy bean counters make decisions is trying to make a game like this playable on last gen or even consoles at all. You really can't appreciate all that CP is capable of on any console much less last gen. And even if you could, why would I pay the same amount for a lower quality experience on a potato or console that was so much better on a capable PC.
I really feel for the poor folks who are having so many problems but I think the amount of computing power needed for this game is just too much for consoles and as far as on PC, I wouldn't even try to play it w/o a fairly good Graphics card
midrand: I have a top notch PC by modern standards - Ryzen 7 5800x, RTX 3090, 64 GB RAM, Samsung 980 Pro NVMe drive. You just can't go much better than this really. I had lots and lots of graphical glitches and obviously some mechanics / quest issues (admittedly nothing that would prevent you from playing / progressing in game). The game crashed maybe twice during the entire playthrough, so crashing was really not a problem. However, it would be unfair and misleading to say that this game is a polished experience on a high-end PC - a polished and bug-free experience it is not. Framerates are also not good enough in my view considering the PC power - I managed to get maybe 60-70 FPS in the city (with DLSS quality). Without DLSS it was pretty much unplayable - 40-50, dropping below every now and then.

I don't disagree that this game may never run well on consoles - although other games with open world experience and similar map sizes do run on those.
Bugs like:
- NPCs magically appearing and disappearing.
- NPCs with stupid behaviour.
- NPCs twitching in the ground, missing items, etc.
- NPCs mostly doenst move the jaw when talking.
- Animations with strange results or lacking results.
- Cars colliding walls and crossing NPCs.
- Cars with NPCs outside the vehicle following them.
- Black dots at distant views.
- Missing parts of the interiors on some buildings.
- Some strange holes happening across the city, like a translucent wall.
- Perks that are not working.
- Some bag, gun, cigarrete, cellphone, t-pose, happening around the city.
- Light sources that glitches.
- Music looping with another music on some especific mission, I think the rescue of Alt, maybe more.
- Lowpoly models, for example, a light post, side by side with his detailed model in some place.
- Jump around roofs may end let you fall out the map.
- Jump around the city and you end entering some wall without collision.
- RTX may cause places to be too dark or too shine.
- Field of view, occlusion culling, streaming of the world, stuttering, plenty of effects requires some revision.

Even on a top notch game computer, these things are going to happen, the game need a lot of work on things that are part of his guts, not only on visuals and so on.

Since launch, the game never cause any CTD here, wich is good, to be positive.
Post edited March 31, 2021 by user deleted