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Warning. Spoilers ahead!!

I have a problem with the chapter where I have to find Evelyn and asking everyone in the Clouds to find her.
I sneak into the VIP area in the moment some of the guards coming outside the door to discuss another customer trying to access the VIP. So in the moment he comes out, opening the door, I quickly go inside. Noone is following me, so I guess noone saw me going inside.
I go all the way in "stealth", noone shoots, noone finds me. Until later I reach Woodsman, there was no any single shot or guys following me, but the dialogue anyway starts like "you shot your way through, and now you want me to do a favor?". And the player characters even says something like "noone has to die anymore" .. wtf?? not any single person died! I even didn't knock out anyone. Everyone is still fine, sneaked through everyone, used hacks to destract people and switch off their optical device, I even don't have a weapon .. so why (still) this dialogue? He even talk about I'm a terrorist...
Is there a way how I can avoid this? Seems there is some "stubborn" trigger for this situation..
I played it as a pacifist Netrunner so I didn't even have any weapons equipped and I got that same conversation. I just assumed they hadn't recorded any other lines for this conversation.
Nah, they were probably too tight with budget to implement more dialogues.
Just as it happened for several other things in this game...
Post edited December 10, 2021 by Nephilim88