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For those that have the game, have all the bugs been fixed, or are there still some that exist?

Also, has the advetrised content been added? I seem to recall someone posting here that the subways were never added, among other items.

Perhaps I am mistaken; but, with a limited budget, i am fortunate enough to be able to pruchase two games. I just want to ensure that they are playable. When I saw the price was halved, I thought now may be a good time to buy.
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Your best friends are Youtube Lets Play-ers right now. Watch something fairly recent (~3-6 months) and make sure that you know what you're diving into before you take the plunge. This is not sci-fi GTA; from what I can gather it takes its cues from single-player adventure games and mixes in a dash of Borderlands and a pinch of pseudo-sandbox "choice."

Also, keep your options open. I have no idea what titles you have in your collection but keep in mind that for the price of CP2077 - even with the BF discount - you could buy Kingdom Come: Deliverance OR Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas. Hell, the Deus Ex games are a very good deal right now; the original title when on sale costs $1!!

I'm not saying that you shouldn't get Cyberpunk; I'm simply saying that it pays to know what you're getting into and that options (both in genre and setting) exist.
The answer is pretty much no.

And the promised content will NEVER be inserted.

The best you can have is this mediocre state, which is playable, but neither innovative, nor exciting.

But yes, if you want to buy Cyberpunk2077 ever, this is the time
I recently started playing on version 1.3. Happy with it so far but I'm playing on fairly high specs. 11th gen intel, rtx 3070 8gb, ssd. 100+ hours in and so far no crash but the game starts feeling empty after you finish the main quests. I hope they're still working on adding more content to the game.

Can't comment on advertised content, sorry. Not sure what you're talking about.
Post edited November 25, 2021 by paci2020
Stryder2931: For those that have the game, have all the bugs been fixed, or are there still some that exist?

Also, has the advetrised content been added? I seem to recall someone posting here that the subways were never added, among other items.

Perhaps I am mistaken; but, with a limited budget, i am fortunate enough to be able to pruchase two games. I just want to ensure that they are playable. When I saw the price was halved, I thought now may be a good time to buy.
I would wait until it is dirt cheap and all the content has been added. Right now the game plays poorly because of the bugs and immersion-breaking oddities. There is a super long list of things that should be fixed to properly bring it up to a "playable state." Performance-wise it is not terrible on PC, but man the bugs and immersion-breaking things I experienced just made me wish I had waited. For sure NOT worth "full price" and still not very good.
bought it today, and I am one of the chosen ones for which this game crashes randomly all the time. Oh well, will ask for a refund.
Thanks to all for the replies. Based off what was said, I will pass for now, and look at it again next year.
Stryder2931: Thanks to all for the replies. Based off what was said, I will pass for now, and look at it again next year.
I also appreciate this post, I hope the Q1 2022 patch addresses the most critical issues so I can buy
Stryder2931: Thanks to all for the replies. Based off what was said, I will pass for now, and look at it again next year.
efxtres: I also appreciate this post, I hope the Q1 2022 patch addresses the most critical issues so I can buy
From what I've heard, I wouldn't bank on it.

They're planning on starting development of CP 2 in 2022, according to Open World Games on YT.
If the rumors of a sequel are true then CDPR has esentially thrown up their hands and said, "We can't fix this, let's move on."

I didn't purchase the game when it was 50% off; if CDPR is indeed working on a sequel then it needs to be discounted even more before I consider purchasing CP2077.
efxtres: I also appreciate this post, I hope the Q1 2022 patch addresses the most critical issues so I can buy
CymTyr: From what I've heard, I wouldn't bank on it.

They're planning on starting development of CP 2 in 2022, according to Open World Games on YT.
maybe CP2 will be ready by 2077
You can't remove EVERY bug from a game, that's just not really feasible. However, a majority of the bugs are definitely fixed. As for cut content, there wasn't THAT much cut content but I suspect most of it will be added via expansions coming next year.

That said, ignore the bad reviews because it's a fantastic game that was crippled by a bunch of crybabies who had absurdly unrealistic expectations. If you enjoy narrative-driven RPGs and open world action-adventure games, you'll love this game. It's a fully playable game with lots of great content. It took me almost 100 hours to finish my first playthrough; granted, I took my time, but still, the bad press was almost entirely unfair, I can say that much.
Different opinion about the game to the one above.

It is an ok game with a good linear storyline and some lovely side quests. Yes, a lot of content and, more importantly, functionality / choices / mechanics were cut vs advertising materials and yes, it will never be inserted in the game (you can always hope, but it's one of those cases where the world has moved on). I've played it once, replayed the short intros and slightly longer concluding pieces and put it on the shelf (all done back in 2020 btw). Bugs did not bother me as much as the emptiness of this game, boring gigs and lack of replayability. I loved the Witcher series and replayed that a few times with exception of Witcher 2 which I found rather bland. Nothing I have read about Cyberpunk since I've played it originally makes me want to take it off the virtual shelf again. Will not buy CP2 or expansion packs to CP1 unless these are drastically better than the original.

This is my opinion which you may or may not agree with - that's fine. Not looking for a discussion on the subject.
Stryder2931: Thanks to all for the replies. Based off what was said, I will pass for now, and look at it again next year.
I don't think they will ever add any missing features.

They are making the PS5 and Xbox X ports now, and will probably move on once those are launched and patched up to a functional state.
high rated
JakobFel: You can't remove EVERY bug from a game, that's just not really feasible. However, a majority of the bugs are definitely fixed. As for cut content, there wasn't THAT much cut content but I suspect most of it will be added via expansions coming next year.

That said, ignore the bad reviews because it's a fantastic game that was crippled by a bunch of crybabies who had absurdly unrealistic expectations. If you enjoy narrative-driven RPGs and open world action-adventure games, you'll love this game. It's a fully playable game with lots of great content. It took me almost 100 hours to finish my first playthrough; granted, I took my time, but still, the bad press was almost entirely unfair, I can say that much.
It's arguably not even an RPG. Player agency is minimal, the general gist of the story is fixed, and you don't really get to make V "your own". V is V, and V exists purely to be a complete halfwit that gets taken over by our friend Keanu.

You can make very minor changes along the way, but mainly you personalization of V comes down to what weapons you're using, what skills you invest in, and which meaningless respawns you slaughter. As far as quests are concerned, the game can't be arsed to really do anything with how you finish quests, so whether you solved something by murdering 5000 random people or by being a sneaky git, it's solved and that's what matters.

Frankly, this is RPG mechanics at the level of Diablo, Titan Quest, Path of Exile, and so on.

In terms of crippling the game, the "crybabies" aren't the root cause. Just CDPR being utterly incompetent while promising features that they knew a year before release were not going to make it into the game. Most of the technical bugs are fixed at this point, but the gameplay is just as pathetic, hollow, and schizophrenic as it always was. The game simply doesn't know if it's an action shooter or an RPG or a looter-shooter or a story-driven adventure game.

As a looter-shooter, there's just not enough variance in the loot and none of it is really all that exciting. Further, there really isn't any good gameplay cycles for generating enormous piles of loot. Thus it isn't a very good looter-shooter.

As an action shooter, the shooter gameplay gets incredibly stale rather fast. Enemy variance is just about non-existant, interesting areas to run and gun in are rare, getting a good enemy density is rare, the AI is approximately on par with Wolfenstein 3D and the old Doom 1 and 2, and guns just don't feel all that different, in no small part because CDPR fucked up and tied everything to player, enemy, and item levels, hence a level 15 water pistol becomes a hammer of the gods against level 10 enemies whereas a shot in the face from a level 5 sniper rifle does next to nothing.

As an RPG, well, I've gone through that already. You never get to make V your character and the game really isn't about V anyway. All the questlines are rather flat, all the dialogue is mostly awful, dialogue choice is something that happens to other games, and where are the NPCs that you're supposed to interact with? There's a handful of quest givers and some phone calls. Wow. Fallout 76 probably has more actual NPCs at this point.

And as an adventure game, there has to be funny shit to discover. There has to be actual adventure to be had. This game has just about none of that and it more or less punishes you for going out of your way to find new stuff. You'll get into overleveled areas where the level balancing will crush you, or you'll find the occasional unique or "legendary" item at a level so low that it becomes useless right away. And the more you explore, the more you realise that the city is just an empty husk. There's no life, there's no soul, and there's really no point to anything.

Lastly, regarding cut content, they promised us a living city. They gave us a dead husk. They promised us an RPG. They gave us a looter-shooter adventure game. They promised us a Night City we could explore. They gave us a facade that looks good at a distance but which doesn't actually contain anything. And the truth is, we're not getting any of that. Not now, not next year, not ever. We're not getting smart cars, we're not getting deep roleplaying, we're not getting a game with AI that isn't flat out garbage, we're not getting actual dynamic NPCs, and we're never going to just roam around Night City looking for something new and interesting to happen.

I've spent far too many hours on this game and if anything, the bad press was too mild. The bad decisions that a couple of CDPR executives made, seemingly with the full blessings of the shareholders since they haven't been fired, led to one of the biggest mismatches between marketing and reality in gaming history, on top of releasing a literally broken game. And this has led to a massive loss of goodwill for CDPR, a loss of goodwill that could threaten GOG's existence.