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Arachnarok_Rider: Stealth is still possible, but you have to luck out a bit with legendary reboot optics, in my experience.

And some times they just get alerted by nothing, they just switch from normal state to alerted state. I have experienced them all going into combat mode a few times without anyone being able to see me. And of course there is the hilarious "body has been detected" thing when all enemies are down and nobody is around to detect anything or be alerted by anything.

But generally, if you want to do a stealth mission then hack everybody blind rather than relying on stealth takedowns.
skeletonbow: My character is so ultra powerful now that my stealth mission is basically kick in the front door and just kill everyone by thinking they are dead. That's the short version anyway, the longer version is using CONTAGION, DROP GRENADE, CYBERPSYCHOSIS, SYNAPSE BURST, SHOCK. I have the entire quickhack tree maxed out and a lot of breach also, so most of my hacks spread to close enemies. The damage dealt usually one-shots multiple enemies. I just repeat again if they need another dose. Smart rifle and smart sniper rifle take care of what's left etc.

So if a mission doesn't require anyone live I just basically walk in like a borg and kill everyone in seconds. They usually don't even get their hand on the handle of their gun before the entire group is dead now.

One thing that is massive fun, is when upset about game bugs - to walk into an enemy region known to have a lot of gangsters etc. and methodically go from alley to alley, hideout, base, whatever, and just kick in the door Rambo/Charles Bronson style and go ape on them with hacks and slow-mo, cranking off a few finisher rounds here and there, then walking around afterward and cleaning up by giving everyone laying on the ground a nice blast to the face with the MOX shotgun. Thanks Judy, best gun ever.

Deeply satisfying. STEALTH THIS! :)
Did something like that. But quickhacking was a bit slow. Contagion on breached enemies that then have reboot optics and weapon jams dumped on them is pretty fun as an opener, but the big problem I tend to have is that aside from tygers, the smart weapon + legendary short circuit crit spammer approach is just too damn powerful. You don't even have to aim. Just sprint up while throwing smart bullets in the air and let the software find their targets and everything dies.

Oh, and cyber-psycho is fun but I do prefer legendary reset, just in case you're supposed to take someone alive.

But still, some times you're asked to do something quietly and in my experience it can indeed be done, most of the time, but it tends to work better if I simply reset optics (which is non-aggerssive) and rush past enemies instead of silent non-lethal take-downs and whatnot.
WLapassera: Possible minor spoiler-----
Yes, but the problem itself exists throughout the game, not just in one particular area. It seems like something one could expect to improve with patches over time I would hope, otherwise the mission completion choices that are available for gameplay styles shrinks due to difference between reality and practicality. Or one can hope at least. :)

There should be a patch out for the game within the next week that improves things but from what Iwi said, I get the impression it will be mostly console focused so not holding my breath for any major improvements. I will likely complete my playthrough before it comes out though.

Hope they sort things out over time so future playthroughs are more diverse and replayability is more of a thing though.

Right now I'm plodding along the main quest line slowly while exploring all the nooks and crannies of Night CIty finding some fun easter eggs n stuff that one would probably normally miss. :)
Arachnarok_Rider: Did something like that. But quickhacking was a bit slow. Contagion on breached enemies that then have reboot optics and weapon jams dumped on them is pretty fun as an opener, but the big problem I tend to have is that aside from tygers, the smart weapon + legendary short circuit crit spammer approach is just too damn powerful. You don't even have to aim. Just sprint up while throwing smart bullets in the air and let the software find their targets and everything dies.

Oh, and cyber-psycho is fun but I do prefer legendary reset, just in case you're supposed to take someone alive.

But still, some times you're asked to do something quietly and in my experience it can indeed be done, most of the time, but it tends to work better if I simply reset optics (which is non-aggerssive) and rush past enemies instead of silent non-lethal take-downs and whatnot.
Yeah, I have a lot of crit boosts stacked to the point where my normal sniper rifle gets up to around 105,000 points of damage from a single round with crit, and seems like around 30k without crit. But I get more crits than not so my crit % has to be over 50% by now. I normally use the smart sniper rifle and smart machine gun that fires 3 round bursts, but both are super powerful. The smart weapons are both an advantage and a disadvantage. When there are enemies that you want to actually hit, the smart guns are more of an advantage than not, but if you want to shoot the same gun and explode a car or environmental explosive the bullets tend to seek meat rather than metal, so you have to switch to a non-smart weapon sometimes to blow something up.

More often than not I walk into an area with complete disregard to how many enemies there are or how powerful they are, throwing caution to the wind and get myself as close to the center of it all, or wait until you get the trigger sound that they're eyeing you up as a threat. Whichever happens first - I kick scan mode into gear, double jump as high as possible with my leg mods, and tag as many enemies as I can see from high up, throwing group and then individual hacks at them as I fall back down, then repeat this over and over in a circle. If they even get their hands on their guns and get a bullet off at me, I dodge bullets in slo-mo until I've killed them all with hacks. I usually only draw my gun after they're all incapacitated. Then I walk around from purp to purp after the fact, blowing their heads off at point blank range to finish them off using Judy's gifted MOX shotgun. Even though it isn't the most powerful shotgun in the game in terms of stats and damage, it IS the most powerful shotgun in terms of what it sounds and feels like, and that 1-2 foot kickback it gives off that makes it feel like a friggen cannon. I love that. LOL Nothing is as satisfying as finishing the enemies off at point blank with that shotgun. :P
Post edited January 16, 2021 by skeletonbow
skeletonbow: ...
Gersen: I had similar issues, you have to "dispose" of the body (i.e. put it in a fridge / box, container, etc... ) simply moving it out of sight is not enough from time to time guards will "magically" detect it.
Because the game is broken putting bodies in a Box will register as a Kill even though it says HIDE.

Game is trash level on that level for that level.
Gersen: I had similar issues, you have to "dispose" of the body (i.e. put it in a fridge / box, container, etc... ) simply moving it out of sight is not enough from time to time guards will "magically" detect it.
wayke: Because the game is broken putting bodies in a Box will register as a Kill even though it says HIDE.

Game is trash level on that level for that level.
I remember on my 1st playthrough. Not to kill Militech personnel.
"non-lethal" take down is still considered.

my 2nd (current) playthrough is really bugged. enemies detecting bodies wherein I haven't got any take down in the level. not one take down.