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Hi guys. At the beginning of my experience with cyberpunk, I must say that it didn't look like it was going to end up here, with me writing this thread, but here I am. I've been following all news and updates regarding cynerpunk 2077 literally since the very first trailer in 2013. I saw cyberpunk as the 'promised land' of the modern gaming. I've spent almost 2k in upgrades for my PC just for Cyberpunk. Right now I must say that the game is not that promised land, but I hope that it will become with the future patches and expansion. The game features an amazing story, an astonishing open-world, but there's a key aspect that is sadly missing: immersione. Immersion in the game world. A game like this, that focuses so much on the story, on the open-world experience, a game like this does need a strong immersion. And the problem is, that these continuous bugs and glitches do sabotage the immersion, making it impossible to experience the game and its story properly.
Therefore, I've sadly decided to quit cyberpunk, until some major problems are fixed. I've encountered many bugs, but I'll point out some which I think that are major and that actually sabotaged my experience with the game:

- npc ai & reaction system
this happens so often, dozen of people that will just stay crouched and scared, without actually reacting/running away. And they'll stay this way endlessly, sometimes for no reason. The npc behavious/reaction system need a serious improvement.

- enemy ai
enemies that would stay behind cover for hourse, enemies in the middle of gun fights that will just stay idle and walk like nothing is happening, enemies that don't fire at you and/or can't fire at you properly. I'm playing on 'hard' like I do in all the games I play. I avoid normal and extreme/nightmare difficulties. I always pick hard becasue it's the right dose of challenge imo. But that challenge is totally missing because the enemies are mostly bugged and, often, very dumb.

- quickstep/dodge
this is quite ridicolous, I don't know if you've noticed but the game si way too sensitive with the key pressing, and sometimes V will perform the dodge even if I haven't double-pressed the movement button. And the funny/sad thing is that the dodge is considered as a threat by the npcs. So if you accidentally dodge and 'hit' a npc, that npc will run away scared and the whole neighborhood will stay scared and crouched begging V not to 'dodge on them'....

- hair texture gone crazy
this happened just once, luckily. First of all, my specs: i5 9600k, rtx 3080, 32 gb ram, game on ssd. I'm playing at 3440x1440 with all settings maxed and dlss on quality. The game runs quite smooth, with fps between 50 and 60+. I was fighting a cyberpsycho ("occupational hazard") and at a certain point the hair of the boss went crazy, just like the tree you can see in this vid (ok idk why it won't let me post the vid, just search on youtube "Cyberpunk 2077 Tree Bug")
Just like the vid, My fps went down to like 5-10. I don't know but I fear that things like this could damage the pc.

- missing/blurred textur
and this was the one that made me say, ok I'm quitting the game. Just after doing the quest "occupational hazard" I went to a nearby area where a gang of tiger claws was meeting a group of scavs I think. The whole area had ground texture missing, and also wall texture missing at a level below. (the forum won't let me post link or photos, great forum I'd say. So it's up to your imagination, you know, blurry textures that don't load? That's it.)
Any temporary fix for this?

- street textures gone crazy
it happened in little china, near v's house. (can'post photos or link. I'll describe it, basically the street was open in a weird helical-like shape.)

Anyway, I could go on with the other bugs and glitch I met, but I'll be honest, I don't want to go on with it. I just hope that more patches will come out soon and fix it all.
For me, refund is not an option, I want to play Cyberpunk 2077, and I hope that it will properly playable soon. I really do hope that.
Post edited December 27, 2020 by Fitz-Oesterlen
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Agree, they also need to fix the lifepath system, which is almost none existent. and add at least 70% of the missing features that were promised but were cut from the game.

They said that this game will be simmiler to the witcher 3, but right now the witcher 3(Base with no expansions) is much more immersive and rich then cyberpunk 2077. Better npcs that actually have night and day cycle. More romance options for geralt compared to my strighet V. Much more side activities (Gwent!!!). When I first saw the arcades in cp2077 thought I could play them but no.

Ai fixes, police Ai, buying houses. BD were supposed to be much bigger.

The bugs are only the biggining. I can't believe that they worked around 8 years on this game.
V0id94: Agree, they also need to fix the lifepath system, which is almost none existent. and add at least 70% of the missing features that were promised but were cut from the game.

They said that this game will be simmiler to the witcher 3, but right now the witcher 3(Base with no expansions) is much more immersive and rich then cyberpunk 2077. Better npcs that actually have night and day cycle. More romance options for geralt compared to my strighet V. Much more side activities (Gwent!!!). When I first saw the arcades in cp2077 thought I could play them but no.

Ai fixes, police Ai, buying houses. BD were supposed to be much bigger.

The bugs are only the biggining. I can't believe that they worked around 8 years on this game.
in my opinion, polishing the game it's urgent right now. Later, we'll talk about missing features and half-kept promises. But they need to polish and optimize the game right now, I can't play it in this state. Literally. I have the game there, in my library, and I'm dying by the desire of playing it, but I CAN'T do it right know, it would ruin the whole experience.
This is why I said in the biggining that I agree. They first need to fix the bugs. But even after u fix the bugs u still get a 6/10-7/10 game max. The voice actors and the city save the game from getting a worse rate. If they add most of the features they promised and change the story a little bit. Then we can look at a solid 9-8/10 game.

And its sad, Cyberpunk 2077 really had the potantial to be a execptional game.
V0id94: This is why I said in the biggining that I agree. They first need to fix the bugs. But even after u fix the bugs u still get a 6/10-7/10 game max. The voice actors and the city save the game from getting a worse rate. If they add most of the features they promised and change the story a little bit. Then we can look at a solid 9-8/10 game.

And its sad, Cyberpunk 2077 really had the potantial to be a execptional game.
Weird thing. I was at the point where the textures are missing. If I go on a certain point, from there I can see the whole area with all the textures loaded properly. If I move from that spot, even just a couple steps forward, all the ground textures disappear. This is so, so sad... I game like this ruined this way...
Something clearly happened around 2018 or so. That would also possibly explain why they were so far behind...

They were pretty consistent about what kind of game it was going to be in f.ex information, interviews and promo videos they released, and like a switch, the whole game turned almost 180 degrees around to make the story revolve around Johnny/Keanu and more into a GTA V clone.

Frankly, bugs and glitches (like turning around makes NPCs pop in and out) alone aren't the main problem with the game as it plays really well on PC, but rather a long list of broken or "missing" features that one expects from an AAA game, everything from denying changing keybindings to AI, and proper open-world and RPG mechanics. The music isn't exactly memorable at all, and they really missed the mark by not including typical cyperpunk/retrowave style music.

And add to the fact that they deliberately lied about it's condition in order to sell more, and the mature side got toned down after release.

Like a youtuber said: "A [open-world] game is supposed to make you believe it is a living thriving city even when you're not there... this game doesn't even try.". Immersion has little to no meaning here.
“Cyberpunk 2077 strikes me as [Grand Theft Auto] skinned-over with a generic 80s retro-future, but hey, that’s just me, tweeted writer William Gibson."

"In short, Cyberpunk 2077 is a sci-fi Disneyland, a shitty copy of a copy of a copy that qualifies as old-school cyberpunk only in a meta sense."

Right now, 70 Euro for cruising around the beautiful city and enjoying the relatively good, but linear story alone is just not worth it...
Post edited December 27, 2020 by sanscript
sanscript: the whole game turned almost 180 degrees around to make the story revolve around Johnny/Keanu and more into a GTA V clone.
To be honest I would have been excited if they released a competent DRM-free GTA V clone. But this game just makes me wish GTA V were DRM free..
Post edited December 27, 2020 by clarry
sanscript: the whole game turned almost 180 degrees around to make the story revolve around Johnny/Keanu and more into a GTA V clone.
clarry: To be honest I would have been excited if they released a competent DRM-free GTA V clone. But this game just makes me wish GTA V were DRM free..
It's really depressing but yes. I've been so frustrated that I'm actually contemplating on going to NMS or even GTA V myself because of this, even with DRM.

Both are now even at 50% so that only makes it better/worse...

EDIT: I'm prpbably not going to buy it (due to said DRM), but it's hilarious - GTA V is going for 14.3 Euro now and it offers much much more in return compared to the almost 70 Euro CDPR wants for their game...
Post edited December 27, 2020 by sanscript
sanscript: EDIT: I'm prpbably not going to buy it (due to said DRM), but it's hilarious - GTA V is going for 14.3 Euro now and it offers much much more in return compared to the almost 70 Euro CDPR wants for their game...
Minus the cyberpunk.
Minus the CB 2077 story.
Minus the lore.
Minus the characters.

But yeah, there are already people stating that these minor things can "easily be modded into GTA" (roflmao)

That being said - I'd say people who look for an alt game to GTA are wrong here. Cyberpunk is not about being some sort of R* competition.
sanscript: EDIT: I'm prpbably not going to buy it (due to said DRM), but it's hilarious - GTA V is going for 14.3 Euro now and it offers much much more in return compared to the almost 70 Euro CDPR wants for their game...
chew-ie: Minus the cyberpunk.
Minus the CB 2077 story.
Minus the lore.
Minus the characters.

But yeah, there are already people stating that these minor things can "easily be modded into GTA" (roflmao)

That being said - I'd say people who look for an alt game to GTA are wrong here. Cyberpunk is not about being some sort of R* competition.
Yeah, I don't understand why GTA V is not given credit for its story. It's a fun story, enjoyable - of course not the same as Cyberpunk as the setting is different. It's a good story though - main missions in GTA 5 are fun and varied. Side missions are much poorer than CDPR games.

I'm not in love with CP2077 lore - it's ok, adds some aspects but most of the time I find myself skipping through those shards because they are just ... ahem... boring? Generic?

Characters - agree, Cyberpunk has better characters. Apart from main characters and Michael's family in GTA V, all others were non-events.

Cyberpunk - I'd rather say that Night City is a beautiful creation (just the city - not the outside areas, those are quite average). Cyberpunk setting in itself is just that - a setting, like medieval setting in Witcher or modern setting in GTA. It's interesting but certainly not pretty or inspiring (not that it is meant to inspire as a dystopian world going down the drain).

The more I play Cyberpunk, the more I find that it is very appropriate to compare it to GTA V - who would think.
midrand: Yeah, I don't understand why GTA V is not given credit for its story. It's a fun story, enjoyable - of course not the same as Cyberpunk as the setting is different. It's a good story though
The biggest reason I never cared much for GTA V is the fact that Rockstar isn't exactly known for their "deep" and "mature" stories/dialogue. ;)

However, I have to admit the gameplay has grown on me and it certainly offers many game modes.
chew-ie: Minus the cyberpunk.
Minus the CB 2077 story.
Minus the lore.
Minus the characters.
"Too little - too late."

Based on the Witcher series CDPR are generally good with stories, dialogue and characters, but they seem to have mostly missed here.
Post edited December 27, 2020 by sanscript
midrand: Yeah, I don't understand why GTA V is not given credit for its story. It's a fun story, enjoyable - of course not the same as Cyberpunk as the setting is different. It's a good story though
sanscript: The biggest reason I never cared much for GTA V is the fact that Rockstar isn't exactly known for their "deep" and "mature" stories/dialogue. ;)
Yes, it's far more lighthearted which is appropriate given the setting I guess. But fun in a comedy/action movie kind of way.

The heist missions are elaborate fun activities.
midrand: Yes, it's far more lighthearted which is appropriate given the setting I guess. But fun in a comedy/action movie kind of way.

The heist missions are elaborate fun activities.
We have a somewhat guilty pleasure watching the "banana bus specialists" doing many of these missions when they were at their peak, which usually (read: always) turned into a disastrous yet hilarious event, but yes, they are definitively more on the light fun type. :D
Post edited December 27, 2020 by sanscript
Just 2c about image uploading to a post. just gotta make sure the file is under 2mb i think. It doesn't warn you if it's over and doesn't accept it. It DOES however, say it someplace near the spot to upload the image.
Fitz-Oesterlen: this failsauce
the only way to really experience how bad of a game this is, is to run all settings and max out character stats with cheatengine.

the shit ive seen is unbelieveable. on a water-cooled RTX 2080 Ti. tho now just meme-worthy and comical.

its a paid beta at this point. lemmings are lining up to say its gonna get fixed. that its a great game.

any publisher would KILL to have fuuktarded loyalists like this.

the funny bit will be them trying to hock whatever comes after this dumpster fire.

you think people are salivating at the prospect of Hello games putting out the next new hot thing?

hello who? oh .. that team that sheeit the bed on 'the greatest open space game ever.'


even tho, im told, NMS is a now a wonderfully fun and complete game...

the damage is done.

in a few years. these guys will be begging gamers to come back.

no wonder there were no console keys for testing.

this sheeit is SO obvious.
Post edited December 28, 2020 by soma_m3ch