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zymon: So I've been reading around on the internet that there's no actual local multiplayer. And there never will be. What you need to play more than 1 player in this new Crimsonland is, from what I've gathered, 3 extra gamepads only to be able to play on the same screen.

Am I getting this right?

It's a shame that they didn't implement online co-op, that'd been awesome. I understand that it would be tricky but still.

Anyhow, I bought this game thinking I could finally play this lovely game with my roommates over LAN, but nope. Should have looked it up before buying it...

I've played the first Crimsonland countless of hours together with a friend, back then one of us played with the mouse+keyboard and the other played with the keyboard only, is that even possible here? The only option available seem to be adding gamepads to the existing keyboard setup... I've never really had a gamepad, so what exactly is it that I need?

This should also be more clear when you buy the game... Surely had me fooled.
The new version supports XInput so any modern controller that supports XInput (XBOX 360 controller, some Logitech models) will suffice for local co-op :)