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first of all some praise. I'm really happy this game made it to GOG. I like most of Remedy's games quite a lot and seeing it here DRM free only a few weeks after it was released on Steam is great. I hope to see this happening more often in the future.

Now my problem: The game simply does not run on my machine. When I click play in Galaxy, the Play button briefly shows "syncing", then becomes disabled, then switches back to "syncing" and is then enabled to be clicked on again. I never see a window popping up, but I could see a process for the game being spawned in Windows' task manager and quickly exiting again. I also saw that the game did create a save game folder (in "%USER%\Documents\My Games\Control\Saves"), but there are no log files (that I could find) or any other hint to what's wrong. I also tried running the game directly using it's binaries (the main one, the DX11 and the DX12 one) and even running them "as administrator".

I have a Nvidia GTX 970 (4 GB), 8 GB RAM, 500GB SSD with 200GB free space, AMD Phenom II X4 (3.2 GHz) running Windows 10.
I don't use that computer for anything besides gaming, pretty much the only things that were ever installed on it are Steam, GOG Galaxy and games installed through those services. I don't have any additional Anti-Virus program or any other background demons running besides what comes with Windows 10. I consider the machine to be pretty clean.
I already tried verifying/repairing the game in GOG Galaxy, even completely reinstalled it, and I updated my graphics card drivers to the latest version.

The only game that gave me similar problems in the last few years was Sunset Overdrive, where it turned out that they simply blocked my CPU from running it (if I recall correctly what I found out back then). Maybe that's the case here too, but I have no idea how to find that out.

Is there a way to enable some sort of debug logging, or does anybody have a clue what could be wrong?

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tekkrat: Hi,

first of all some praise. I'm really happy this game made it to GOG. I like most of Remedy's games quite a lot and seeing it here DRM free only a few weeks after it was released on Steam is great. I hope to see this happening more often in the future.

Now my problem: The game simply does not run on my machine. When I click play in Galaxy, the Play button briefly shows "syncing", then becomes disabled, then switches back to "syncing" and is then enabled to be clicked on again. I never see a window popping up, but I could see a process for the game being spawned in Windows' task manager and quickly exiting again. I also saw that the game did create a save game folder (in "%USER%\Documents\My Games\Control\Saves"), but there are no log files (that I could find) or any other hint to what's wrong. I also tried running the game directly using it's binaries (the main one, the DX11 and the DX12 one) and even running them "as administrator".

I have a Nvidia GTX 970 (4 GB), 8 GB RAM, 500GB SSD with 200GB free space, AMD Phenom II X4 (3.2 GHz) running Windows 10.
I don't use that computer for anything besides gaming, pretty much the only things that were ever installed on it are Steam, GOG Galaxy and games installed through those services. I don't have any additional Anti-Virus program or any other background demons running besides what comes with Windows 10. I consider the machine to be pretty clean.
I already tried verifying/repairing the game in GOG Galaxy, even completely reinstalled it, and I updated my graphics card drivers to the latest version.

The only game that gave me similar problems in the last few years was Sunset Overdrive, where it turned out that they simply blocked my CPU from running it (if I recall correctly what I found out back then). Maybe that's the case here too, but I have no idea how to find that out.

Is there a way to enable some sort of debug logging, or does anybody have a clue what could be wrong?

A somewhat similar issue here, when i press play, the screen goes black with a 1 pixel wide green border at the bottom and the right edge of the screen and after several moments (ranging from 15 seconds to 5 minutes) the game quits to desktop without any notifications.

The system it's running on is Win10, Nvidia 1060 (3gb), 16gb ram, 1tb free space on a 5400rpm disk (new) and an i5-3570 @ 3.4ghz. (the last one is a little below spec, i know, but usually that's offset by the graphics card)
Post edited September 13, 2020 by DirkM.789
Try going into the game directory and manually firing up the DX11 executable, to see if it works that way. I'm not super familiar with Remedy's code or practices, so that's my best guess.

Good luck I hope you can play this soon!
tekkrat: Hi,

first of all some praise. I'm really happy this game made it to GOG. I like most of Remedy's games quite a lot and seeing it here DRM free only a few weeks after it was released on Steam is great. I hope to see this happening more often in the future.

Now my problem: The game simply does not run on my machine. When I click play in Galaxy, the Play button briefly shows "syncing", then becomes disabled, then switches back to "syncing" and is then enabled to be clicked on again. I never see a window popping up, but I could see a process for the game being spawned in Windows' task manager and quickly exiting again. I also saw that the game did create a save game folder (in "%USER%\Documents\My Games\Control\Saves"), but there are no log files (that I could find) or any other hint to what's wrong. I also tried running the game directly using it's binaries (the main one, the DX11 and the DX12 one) and even running them "as administrator".

I have a Nvidia GTX 970 (4 GB), 8 GB RAM, 500GB SSD with 200GB free space, AMD Phenom II X4 (3.2 GHz) running Windows 10.
I don't use that computer for anything besides gaming, pretty much the only things that were ever installed on it are Steam, GOG Galaxy and games installed through those services. I don't have any additional Anti-Virus program or any other background demons running besides what comes with Windows 10. I consider the machine to be pretty clean.
I already tried verifying/repairing the game in GOG Galaxy, even completely reinstalled it, and I updated my graphics card drivers to the latest version.

The only game that gave me similar problems in the last few years was Sunset Overdrive, where it turned out that they simply blocked my CPU from running it (if I recall correctly what I found out back then). Maybe that's the case here too, but I have no idea how to find that out.

Is there a way to enable some sort of debug logging, or does anybody have a clue what could be wrong?

Well I think that it is indeed in fact your CPU is the cause here because it doesn't meet the minimum specs required to play. The Game requires a 4690 or a FX4350 to run. Granted that despite your CPU being old it out performs the FX4350 in terms of clock speed but it lacks the modern day instruction sets that modern CPUs these days which is required for this game to run.
Phenom II lacks SSE 4.2(?) instruction set, IIRC. I ran into that problem with my attempts to run Little Nightmare before I upgraded. I'd imagine that to become more common problem as time goes.

But yeah, your hardware does not meet minimum specs with the CPU, so it's amazing it runs at all.
A lot of people on another forum are complaining because another new game, Horizon: Zero Dawn requires an isntruction set on the CPU that all 2012+ cpus have. Given what some of the other people have said here, it's likely that the cpu is the reason it won't start up.

The Phenom II is pretty old technology, unfortunately :( I'd say with the little I know about them, instruction sets are going to play more and more of a role in modern games, so at some point you might want to consider upgrading that bad boy to a Ryzen.
Manaflower: Phenom II lacks SSE 4.2(?) instruction set, IIRC. I ran into that problem with my attempts to run Little Nightmare before I upgraded. I'd imagine that to become more common problem as time goes.

But yeah, your hardware does not meet minimum specs with the CPU, so it's amazing it runs at all.
That makes sense. Accoring to the i5-4690 supports the SSE4.1/4.2 and AVX 2.0 instruction sets and the i5-3570 only supports the SSE4.1/4.2 and AVX instruction sets. Probably just the difference between a little clock speed and the AVX could be it.

On the other hand, these exact requirements were something i overlooked (looking at speed only, and compensating a bit on the lower end on CPU with a bit higher end GPU). It would have been nice of the developer to give at least some bugreport or pop-up that tells the exact issue "Sorry, your CPU doesn't meet the required minimum specs, in this case the AVX 2.0 instruction set, the game will not run on this configuration". That would be a bit more helpful than just a black screen and crash to desktop.

I'm goging to keep Control in my library, but it might be about a year or more before my PC (or big parts of it at least) will be upgraded, because the CPU socket and motherboeard are limiting the options i've got before i can play it.
I'm not really sire what i've changed, but definately not the hardware.
To try to get an other game running (Dirt Ralley 2.0) there wa s an advice to revert to an older Nvidia driver (currently using 451.48) and to re-install the visual C++ libraries (64 and 32 bit).

Long story short: the game seems to work for the first level in the office and the black block/void level to get the directors gun (i've not yet progressed any further). The settings are on medium and no raytracing because the GTX1060 doesn't support it.

I'll try to keep it going, but this seems to be good news.

*Small addition - i did unplug my hotas warthog joystick, throttle and pedal set, that might have been a cause, but it seems unlikely, however, it might be just enough difference to mention.
Post edited October 11, 2020 by DirkM.789