rejzor: Game is now on GOG too, but from one user that bought it and reviewed it, it's a poor remaster with many problems and biggest issue for me, censored gore and Nazi iconography. I just don't understand this. Erasing Swastikas from games and movies won't miraculously revive all the WW2 victims or erase the history. Telling people they were the bad guys and showing it openly however does. Which is why this is so much more baffling to me. If you erase everything that made Nazi "iconic" if we can put it that way, the dress code, the logos and stuff, you're literally erasing all bad they've done. People will just think you're fighting friendly Germans who like to wear brown suits and have few lads in black leather coats. Those terrorist Brits attacking German fashion industry... I mean, that's the impression I'd get from a censored game where the bad guys, aka Nazis are not Nazis anymore. Bizarre logic.
This is because in Eastern Europe when the Iron Curtain was real, we received better education and were taught what really happened between 1933 - 1945 and we can clearly seperate reality - or in this case - history and fiction. And while we polish still have the old remains of the concentracion camps being a place of history and remembrance to all the victims of the Nazi regime, the germans themselfes are trying to "eradicate" this period of time from their history books, because they fear such things would happen again.
This is stupid logic. There needs to be an open discussion about that and most important education about what really happened and which cruel crimes happened there. This is not done by removing Nazi sumbolism from games and movies, because this is what you say, it makes the murderers more fiendly. I lived in germany for quite a time and I know the society well and their approach to theit own history. There is no sense in trying to argue. There is no open mind with which you could speak. Indoctrination is what's on their minds.