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high rated
Hello brave warriors!

11 bit studios would like to assure their valued Children of Morta players on GOG that Dead Mage is still hard at work on the "Fellowship Sanctuary" update for your version of the game. While there’s no release window just yet, our goal is to ensure this experience to be fully on par with Steam, and we thank everyone for their patience and understanding.

As soon as we will have further information about the update going live on GOG, you will be the first to know.

Dead Mage & 11 bit studios
SoQ: Hello brave warriors!

11 bit studios would like to assure their valued Children of Morta players on GOG that Dead Mage is still hard at work on the "Fellowship Sanctuary" update for your version of the game. While there’s no release window just yet, our goal is to ensure this experience to be fully on par with Steam, and we thank everyone for their patience and understanding.

As soon as we will have further information about the update going live on GOG, you will be the first to know.

Dead Mage & 11 bit studios
Fantastic, glad to hear it! Any word on whether it'll be playable online with other stores (Steam)?
SoQ: Hello brave warriors!

11 bit studios would like to assure their valued Children of Morta players on GOG that Dead Mage is still hard at work on the "Fellowship Sanctuary" update for your version of the game. While there’s no release window just yet, our goal is to ensure this experience to be fully on par with Steam, and we thank everyone for their patience and understanding.

As soon as we will have further information about the update going live on GOG, you will be the first to know.

Dead Mage & 11 bit studios
Will we be able to play with steam owners?
SoQ: Hello brave warriors!

11 bit studios would like to assure their valued Children of Morta players on GOG that Dead Mage is still hard at work on the "Fellowship Sanctuary" update for your version of the game. While there’s no release window just yet, our goal is to ensure this experience to be fully on par with Steam, and we thank everyone for their patience and understanding.

As soon as we will have further information about the update going live on GOG, you will be the first to know.

Dead Mage & 11 bit studios
v.bow: Will we be able to play with steam owners?
We will consider every opportunity, but for now, it's not planned. Sorry about that.
I just hope that at least playing through LAN or direct IP connection (even if with the need of manual port forwarding) will be possible, not just limited to GOG Galaxy (which doesn't have proper linux version, might never will, and running it through wine is no fun at all).

Is this still in the works? Just bought the game for my spouse via GOG (I already have it via Steam) and then realized that the GOG version lacks online multiplayer.
tzaeru: Hi!

Is this still in the works? Just bought the game for my spouse via GOG (I already have it via Steam) and then realized that the GOG version lacks online multiplayer.
Also curious? What is it about the GoG version that caused it to be delayed beyond all the other versions out there? A date range would be great, i.e. 3rd quarter 22, 1st quarter 23, never...
tzaeru: Hi!

Is this still in the works? Just bought the game for my spouse via GOG (I already have it via Steam) and then realized that the GOG version lacks online multiplayer.
Every time I go to buy this game I see something like this and it just irks me.
SoQ: Hello brave warriors!

11 bit studios would like to assure their valued Children of Morta players on GOG that Dead Mage is still hard at work on the "Fellowship Sanctuary" update for your version of the game. While there’s no release window just yet, our goal is to ensure this experience to be fully on par with Steam, and we thank everyone for their patience and understanding.

As soon as we will have further information about the update going live on GOG, you will be the first to know.

Dead Mage & 11 bit studios
I was just comming here to search for news about that and found a developer giving us the news.
That's so nice to see here on GOG Forums too.

Thank you. Hope you all are able to make it avaiable for GOG's version too.
SoQ: Hello brave warriors!

11 bit studios would like to assure their valued Children of Morta players on GOG that Dead Mage is still hard at work on the "Fellowship Sanctuary" update for your version of the game. While there’s no release window just yet, our goal is to ensure this experience to be fully on par with Steam, and we thank everyone for their patience and understanding.

As soon as we will have further information about the update going live on GOG, you will be the first to know.

Dead Mage & 11 bit studios
Any news? Is it still planned, and if so, then when it will come out approximately?
I e-mailed Dead Mage directly in July. The PR person who answered (ty Konrad) said that they had a build ready for the GoG update, but that it still had to go through QA. They offered to give me a Steam key for free, but I would rather support a copany that gave me such a beautiful game, rather than just be THAT guy
Hello, any news? They still work on online COOP for GOG version or they just give up ?
Einord: Hello, any news? They still work on online COOP for GOG version or they just give up ?
I support this request, as it's already nine months since the opening post.
This is, actually, n-th (and LAST) time I got caught on something like that, and thenb need to re-buy game on Steam anyway. Between things like that popping out ALL THE TIME, the GOG's nonsensical approach to lackluster linux support (still no native client for their crappy Galaxy client, and TBH i don't even care, anymore), and the overall need to do research EVERY.DAMN.TIME if newly bought game will be having feature parity with Steam one...

I just need to start buying on Steam, as a first stop, and only re-delegate to gog if there is some specific need. Sorry - it was a fun ride since the GOG was founded (day one customer), but CDPR/GOG need to finally take their head out of... sand, and realize it is 2022 already, digital distribution changed since nineties, windows is going way of the dodo, and overall, it is time to froggin' wake up.

Post edited November 29, 2022 by Cat_Lady
Just saw this game on a friends Switch. Considered buying, but with this kind of support, i'd rather get something else. Usually like to support indie devs, and online multiplayer done well is not trivial to implement, but releasing such a big update on Steam and taking over nine months to port that to GoG (if that will even ever happen) just shows that the devs don't care about GoG. Which would be fine, but then don't release the game on here if you are not dedicated to support it.