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So, no achievements like the steam version has but same price, what a deal.

Sorry, this was a day one buy for me, but yeah, no, I won't support this stuff anymore where the GOG version doesn't have a feature that the, identically priced, steam version has, despite GOG offering the implementation of said achievements.

And you can spare me the "achievements are not important" litany, that is not the point, the point is there is no feature parity with the steam version yet the price...oh that'll parity fo sho, now worries mate.

IF the store description is wrong and there are achievements, PLEASE correct me and I will take what I said back, at least in regards to Brothers, and buy the game.

Edit : ok, store page still shows no achievements under features but it now shows popular achievements at the bottom, so it seems the feature list is wrong. Guess I'll give it a buy and see

Edit 2: I am confused, having installed the game it shows no achievements, yet on the store page popular achievements are listed that, going by the titles are from the game
Post edited February 29, 2024 by Faile