szamanXYZ: I'm looking the old paiting texture, the animated one, which in period time changes from normal face to undead.
Is it the madonna and child one, from Blood1? It shows up in game in the art gallery in the first map of "Farewell to Arms" (Episode 3). If so, that would be tile0716-0719.
You can extract them from your Blood ART files.
Download the zip file below, which contains Mathieu Olivier's art2tga.exe, the palette.dat and a makeall.bat that sorts the tga files into groups. Extract the contents into a folder of your choice and then copy the ART files from your Blood installation directory there as well. After that, just run the makeall.bat file and it will extract all the image resources from the art files, and then sort them into folders.
You should then be able to find tiles0716-0719 under