NerdKoopa: I see... How can you make the configuration file? I found out that the EDITART.exe came with the GOG version of DN3D, but I can't launch it because it has no conf. file.
Make a
copy of the file "
dosboxBlood.conf" that's in your game's installation folder, and
rename the copy something like
Open the
renamed file in Notepad or Wordpad, doesn't really matter as long as it's a text editor.
Scroll down until you reach the
Autoexec section (it's at the bottom). It should look like this:
# Lines in this section will be run at startup.
mount C "."
imgmount D game.inst -t iso c:
blood.exe exit
Remove the "
imgmount D game.inst -t iso" line since you don't need audio music and the cutscenes for the editor and change
blood.exe to
mapedit.exe. This essentially tells Dosbox to perform some dos commands that load up the editor instead of the game.
Now we need to put the .conf file to work.
You need to create a shortcut to Dosbox (usually in One Unit Whole Blood\Dosbox). Once the shortcut is created, we need to change it a bit.
Rightclick the shortcut and choose
Target, the line should read: "<where you instaled>\One Unit Whole Blood\DOSBOX\dosbox.exe" -conf
dosboxBloodEditor.conf -noconsole -c "exit"
This tells dosbox to load the config file we just created.
But if you save and try it, it doesn't work! Why? BECAUSE THE CONFIG FILE IS NOT IN THE SAME DIRECTORY AS DOSBOX. Therefore, we need to tell it where to look for it.
Start In section of the shortcut
should point to where the game (and the .conf file) is. It should read: "<where you instaled>\One Unit Whole Blood"