node: The controls in Blood are typical early FPS controls, spread across the keyboard, no mouse look or even mouse turning, and pretty horrible as a result. Is there any way to change them? Booth Google and prodding at the files have failed me.
You don't need to edit files around, you can change them directly inside the game
Options > Controls > Configure Keys...
to enable Mouselook press U (the default key) inside the game. keep in mind that the Build Engine doesn't use real 3d, it works a bit like the Doom engine so the perspective looking up and down is not correct, it looks a bit weird.
Remind also to set INVERT MOUSE AIM to ON if you want the mouse aim used on every modern fps.
Set mouse sensibility to max on the game options and then remap the keys to
W / A to move forward/backward, A/ D to strafe and so on.
Remind to clear duplicated keys before confirming the settings or you'll have a single key that does multiple actions.
Happy bloodbath!