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So, I never played this game at the time, but if keeps popping in every list of hidden gems around, so I thought I might consider adding it to my backlog for future research and whatnot. Anyway, reading up on it, I see that original plans were for a trilogy, and I'm afraid that might mean the story is lacking and/or unfinished. Is that the case? Does this game provide proper closure in the end, even if it hints at a larger story? Is it an enjoyable, self-contained experience? Because it sure doesn't look like the prospective pre-sequel-make-thing that's announced has a lot to do with whatever original plans there were for this then-expected-to-be franchise, and if this one ends on a cliffhanger or otherwise doesn't wrap up properly, I might as well find a better use for my already critically insufficient gaming time. Of course, please avoid spoilers in your replies, thank you very much.
After you have done your last action in the actual game, an ending sequence is shown that finishes off the story well enough. Not everything has been explained in detail. Some events that happened before the time the game actually takes place in are only hinted at and are not fully explained although they would be relevant to get the whole picture. Anyway, while there are some open questions left, this is not too bad and the actual story is finished.

However, after the credits there is a short additional scene, which is a cliffhanger.
Hmm. That sounds reasonable enough. I guess I'll consider giving it a try one of these years. Thanks for your answer.
Late to the party, but I agree.

The story arc finishes nicely, the task that the heroine set out to do is completed and, well, the imminent evil is defeated if you wish.

What's left in the dark is the actual origin of the protagonist. However, some things that come to light very late in the game, especially in the final cutscene, draw this mystery into the center. And that's when you may ask yourself: "Am I missing something?".

It aches me to grab into this particular stereotype, but it's a bit like the first Star Wars movie. It's a self contained story, the evil seems to be wholly defeated at the end, no one knew there would ever be another movie following, but clearly the main character is only at the beginning of his journey of self-discovery.