1. Duke Nukem: Why? I love the missions and sounds. :-)
2. Darkside: Good ramps, nice layout, funny animations. Well designed!
3. Firestorm: I like the theme and the good playability as well as the two upper flippers.
4. Barbarian: Nice layout, good missions. Not my favourite table, thogh.
5. Mutation: Hmmm... It's hard to say but I don't like the layout very much. And the gameplay is not fluid as I expected. But the animations are really funny!
It's really hard to say which table is the best. For me, all the five tables are excellent examples of good 2D pinball gaming. And: All the tables are more than just real life duplicates because they use their own themes to create a nice "video game" touch. For examble: The missions are fun as hell: Duke Nukem in night vision mode? Shooting enemies on board? No problem, Balls of Steel has it! :-)
Post edited April 03, 2013 by Retrostage