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I just want to know how much tinkering I'll need to do to get this to run on Linux.
This question / problem has been solved by advowsonimage
cue yet another topic filled with lamers^Wnoobs^Wnon-technyically-savvy organisms fumbling around with libssl while others post crap like IT_WORKS_IN_PROTON_FOR_ME

humanity gets what it deserves, truth.
osm: cue yet another topic filled with lamers^Wnoobs^Wnon-technyically-savvy organisms fumbling around with libssl while others post crap like IT_WORKS_IN_PROTON_FOR_ME

humanity gets what it deserves, truth.
Another OSM helpful comment!
If the publisher ever fixes this to work out of the box, osm may well be lost. ;)
temps: I just want to know how much tinkering I'll need to do to get this to run on Linux.
As I understand it, even the most current version of the game links to a horribly outdated version of openssl that is no longer shipped by modern Linux distributions. The publisher has neither fixed this nor bundled the version they need, so you will not be able to start the program due to missing Most distributions provide a special package to install this legacy library, commonly named openssl-compat or similar. You could also choose any of a number of highly questionable sites that purport to host downloads of this obsolete library.

Meanwhile, Wine runs the Windows version of the game fine. If I recall correctly, I didn't even need to adjust any settings in Wine to get it to work.
osm: cue yet another topic filled with lamers^Wnoobs^Wnon-technyically-savvy organisms fumbling around with libssl while others post crap like IT_WORKS_IN_PROTON_FOR_ME

humanity gets what it deserves, truth.
alcaray: Another OSM helpful comment!
no worries
in a rare instance of a gog forumite not being useless and literally evil, someone posted a fix for the libssl issue
(ignore the useless clown moaning in the topic, i've run the fix myself on bgee as well as other beamdog remasters and ran into no issues)
Would you consider the posts in this thread to be Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, or Chaotic Evil?

I note that the linked thread proposes to get the files from "" - exactly as predicted above, "any of a number of highly questionable sites". :) That is why I specifically suggested using the distribution's openssl-compat instead, since that is easier to install, comes from a verified download, and is more likely to remain available long term than one user's personal upload on a questionable file sharing service.

Of course, the real fix is to report the problem to the people who can fix the installer so that it produces a game that does work out of the box. So far, that has not had the desired effect, but perhaps if enough people are affected, someone will care enough to fix this.