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Besides ease of game....
1. magic pockets
2. you're all on the same team, so the game just skips the part where you have to start a dialogue to ask the other person to give/throw you an item.
mathaetaes: 2. you're all on the same team, so the game just skips the part where you have to start a dialogue to ask the other person to give/throw you an item.
Bingo. The inventory is probably the least realistic system in the game anyway - hiking and fighting with a dozen sets of armor in your pack, etc. Ultra realism isn't desirable in most games, but this element in particular tends to beggar belief. But it's nothing new - long tradition of it, going back to the first BG games (and beyond).
Yeah. I think it was Diablo that had that block-based inventory, which was far more realistic in terms of having to organize stuff in certain ways. It slowed down the game and was probably the most tedious aspect.

I personally like that I can right-click and just send stuff to camp, rather than having to fast-travel all the time to dump stuff there.

My personal greatest annoyance is that you have to hunt all over camp to find your companions to change your active party. A simple menu as you leave camp, similar to DA:O, is probably the one biggest quality of life improvement I could think of for the game, and it would remove *so much* tedium.

Detailed realism is fun, but just isn't practical in a playable video game.
mathaetaes: My personal greatest annoyance is that you have to hunt all over camp to find your companions to change your active party.
That is a pain there are so many different camps it can be hard to find someone. What's worse is when choosing to sleep it says someone still wants to talk to you. So you spend a lot of time running around an unfamiliar campsite searching for them, as you don't even know who you are searching for.