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I thought the D:OS games frustrating and unenjoyable, but I played them through... twice, actually...

But this is just miserable... such an awful experience, not enjoyable at all, battles are endless miss/reload/enemy-auto-hit agony, it just drags on for ever and ever... I cannot handle it any more...

For now, it is gone... I'll probably try one more time after it is fully released, but I suspect it will suck just as bad... bleach (throws up on floor, takes two steps, throws up again...)
then you are playing badly mate because the battles are so easy the devs have to improve the AI in Patch 5 to stem the tide of people posting it sucks

the only difference between OS2 combat and BG3 combat is the D&D rules... even then they still give you the bullshit high ground bonus from OS because its hard coded into their system so what this will boil down to is you not understanding basic D&D rules [fare enough] and you wouldn't be the first person to wonder why Shadowheart can't hit the side of a barn with the default mace she has zero proficiency in
Some people should stay far, far away from EA releases, imo...;) Probably best if the OP stays away until the full game ships.
ok, i am 40 years old and I dont remember being so hooked to a game ina long time, bye.
Maybe dnd/pathfinder type CRPG's are not for the OP.

I hear Skyrims getting another remaster though! :)
high rated
If you didn't like the last 2 CRPGs made by Larien why would you expect that to change in the 3rd?
If you found a game not to be enjoyable why would you play it 2x?

You seem totally clueless about how to deal with your life.
If you walk face first into a wall do you keep walking into it over and over?

Get help.
Heh, EverNightX said what I was thinking.
OFFLINE-PLAYER: ok, i am 40 years old and I dont remember being so hooked to a game ina long time, bye.
I am 57 and haven't been this pissed about a game since Anthem. Yes Anthem was worse it was released but never finished. I fear Larian Studios will never finish, They got a ton of cash in sales already.
Post edited January 16, 2022 by tkosh
OFFLINE-PLAYER: ok, i am 40 years old and I dont remember being so hooked to a game ina long time, bye.
tkosh: I am 57 and haven't been this pissed about a game since Anthem. Yes Anthem was worse it was released but never finished. I fear Larian Studios will never finish, They got a ton of cash in sales already.
And they would make even more money when the game is finished. If Larian were planning to just take our cash and run, they wouldn't be adding content to the beta and promoting the game. Both of these things are expenses.
agreed BG3 is a long term project with Wizards looking to make years worth of add-ons that Larian gets at least first dibs on

but for a quick take the money and run from the law scenario you want FuckPuck by project Red... now that made a ton of money but I don't see people lining up to give them more work
I am just trying to figure out what to do. I have been playing 5 hours and I just got off the beach. Every fight but 2 I have died before my turn.