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I played a while before the 7th just fine, then on the 8th I suddenly had no sound in game. The logos that play on initial load have sound, but none on the main menu or in the game, then on the 9th the game would crash immediately on loading a game or trying to start a new one. As of the latest patch from this morning, the game does not crash, I can load saves or start a new game, but still no sound.

I have reverted to every patch available in Galaxy, none of them work better.
I have reinstalled the game and verified files.
I have tried both the Vulkan and DX11 versions.
I have attempted running as administrator.

None of these have helped, still no sound.
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There was a Windows Update just around that time - it may be worth the thought that the issue is maybe a Windows issue, did you reinstall the sounddrivers?
Post edited August 11, 2023 by Thorqemada
Thank you for the suggestion, that's an angle I'd forgotten about. I have reinstalled sound driver and chipset driver and still no improvement.

I also tried changing some sound device settings, exclusive mode on/off, environmental effects on/off. These appear to have helped others with similar problems before, doesn't seem to make any difference.

Some forum posts for the Steam version say reinstalling graphics drivers then verifying installation helps, no good yet
Post edited August 11, 2023 by vkalman
That is bad news,
do other games play sound?

The sound output could be messed up, maybe it tries to catch the sound from the wrong sound source.

I dont know if your GPU has sound capability, or what else in your system could be mistaken as sound source.

Usually games initailize hardware while they show off logos etc. and there must be something wrong with it.

Try to ensure you have the sound played by the right devices frowarded to the output your soundsystem in attached to.

I dont know if your Bios also has sound settings, i use still the Soundblaster Soundcard, and have my onboard sound disabled.
Other games, video, music files, all those work fine, both through the laptop speakers and through my TV I plug into with HDMI. Further, when I first got the game the release version had sound. Oddly enough my wife's PC has the same problem except she didn't have sound in the release version. I've been trying all this on hers too, no progress yet.

I've looked for sound output settings while the game is running to see if it's switched to the wrong sound system, but it checkup uses HDMI when TV is plugged in and Realtek sound into laptop speakers otherwise. I even tried setting it to output to laptop speakers while HDMI output was active to the TV and the logos sounded fine then no sound at past that
Uh, playing on a laptop makes things much trickier bcs standard pc drivers usually wont work with them and you are depending on drivers provided by the Laptop-Manufacturer which is usually lacking.

In the BG3 soundsettings menu is nothing to specifiy the source or output.

Have you ensured none of the sound is nullified and there is also an option to mute all sound when the gamewindow is inactive - maybe the game thinks its inactive an has the sound wrongly muted?

PS: Regarding HDMI Sound i have only found that sometimes the Computer does not recognize HDMI and thinks its a DVI connection that does not play sound - maybe the patch has borked something with that.
Playing the Logos does not mean that much as the hardware may not yet be initialized by the game at that point.
Does it play sound via Headphones?
Post edited August 11, 2023 by Thorqemada
Check the Windows volume mixer if the BG3 slider isn't all the way down. Just an idea...
New patch today hasn't helped, reinstalled drivers again from laptop manufacturer again, went through all the sound settings and verified nothing obviously wrong like incorrect affinity or BG3 being muted. Headphone jack output delivers the sound for the logos but still zero in game.
Did you disable the "mute sound when inactive" option in the games sound menu?

Do your Laptops run on battery power or are they connected to a PSU?
Maybe the sound is disabled by agressive power saving settings...

Also you should contact the Larian support, to me it seems you have the most chance to get some progress in your case if nothing else helps at the source of the software that makes the trouble.

Hope you will get a solution soon!
Post edited August 12, 2023 by Thorqemada
I did submit a support request over there, no word yet, and I've had "mute while inactive" deactivated the whole time. Now the game says the installation is corrupted but it won't let me verify files, I've reloaded from my offline copy I've used to put it on my main PC as well so I wouldn't have to download it twice, and it still says it's corrupted even though the same files worked a few hours ago. So, now I'm downloading it again.
Post edited August 12, 2023 by vkalman
Good luck then!

PS: Some helpful stuff here in this Link maybe:
Post edited August 12, 2023 by Thorqemada
I saw that a bit before you suggested it, and I was going to try the steps suggested that I hadnt thought of yet after another round of verifying files, but now it says I need to download 10GB again and it gets stuck at 92% every time. Unfortunately it seems each subsequent patch since full release has taken function away on my system, now I can't get into the game at ll
Uninstalling, deleting everything, and reinstalling from the offline package has fixed it, still a very awkward fix and rough on the people with capped connections.
Glad you have sound again - hope you can now enjoy the game the way it is meant! :)