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Look in the mirror. People said I wanted less options blah blah, and I have said I wanted more, not less (and repeated it) so therefore folks must not have read what I wrote, else they would know.

How you manipulate that into 'you don't agree with me, therefore you didn't read what I wrote' is Gender Warrior logic for sho.

What is interesting (to me) is that a post on having more options for typical male character models, has evoked such anger and strife. Wanting an interface that did a better job of finding said models has evoked such anger and angst. The name calling! The lies that I didn't say put forth as me saying them! The discord!

The hate...

What does that say about you folks? To me it says 'you either take your male face with a woman's hair and like it else you are some kind of (insert angry name calling).' It tells me how intolerant you are. It tells me a lot about you as a person and it reflects negatively on the values you are trying to force on me.
Post edited November 22, 2023 by Kohleran
Kohleran: As far as the others spewing non-sense, you didn't read, or don't care to read what I wrote.
mathaetaes: So basically, "if you don't fully agree with me, it's clear you just didn't read what I wrote".

Go back to the Moms for Liberty facebook group;
I don't know if I have ever heard of Moms of Liberty, even though it's been mentioned by your hate group more than once. If they are anti what you and your ilk stand for (hate, intolerance, name calling, discord, etc) then I will check them out. Thanks for the reference.

EDIT: Yeah I checked it out. They are against grade schoolers being groomed in a sexual divergent manner, critical race theory taught in grade schools, protecting a parents right to know, and basically protecting children from being groomed by your hate group. I understand why you mentioned them.
Post edited November 22, 2023 by Kohleran
I'm still baffled that we still haven't seen anything close to DA:I character creator. Which even had charcter presets with codes and stuff. I mean Larian Studios have their own character creator, still don't get it why they haven't released it. It would be basically a flex on any single game studio out there. And I'm pretty sure it would not be that difficult to implement it into BG3.
Post edited December 01, 2023 by Ponczos_22