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I have been playing this game for 23 years now, used OMF extensively and never had this issue.

I have installed multiple versions of OMF/coreparts.dll into multiple B-17 directories, one gog and one from an original install.

Open my aircraft file with OMF as normal, and drag and drop my selected textures. I look, and they are still black, have not turned red and have not changed.

Have tried running omf as admin, windows 95 compatibility and still nothing. I simply cannot get them to overwrite.

I even copied the coreparts.dll (not just from the omf mods i've downloaded) around and replaced them in my root folder but still it makes no difference. Neither does trying it after deleting the graphics cache, nor rebuilding.

absolutely stumped! I play this game extensively, and thanks to ikranaka I have a bunch of new mods to sort through and play with, but none of them will replace the originals in the OMF mod!

Many thanks for help.
Post edited July 26, 2023 by Jackalto
I'll double-check soon if mine is behaving similarly - been years since I used it and my installation of Windows 10 has been update so many times since then. What version of Windows are you using?

Also, have you checked to make sure that the omf files you're trying to update/replace are not set to read only?
ikrananka: I'll double-check soon if mine is behaving similarly - been years since I used it and my installation of Windows 10 has been update so many times since then. What version of Windows are you using?

Also, have you checked to make sure that the omf files you're trying to update/replace are not set to read only?
Okay so here's the good news, I got it to work and it was relatively simple!

Have been unwell and in bed for a few weeks which gave me a lot of time to think.

Definitely a windows 10 read/write issue with the OMF mod.

All I had to do was install Virtualbox, install windows XP emulated, create a shared folder where I can share files between my actual PC and windows xp and copy over my game folder and mod files. I do all of the modding/sorting there and then drop the modded files back in my shared folder in order to overwrite them in my B-17 Directory on windows 10. Works like a charm. Have started comparing your files to the ones I already had and so far it looks as though you've got the full compliment of mods, I haven't been able to find any duplicates!

That said I will continue to sort through all of your existing uncategorized mods and try to file them away neatly!

All the best,

Post edited August 11, 2023 by Jackalto
Thanks for the update and solution. Sorry for not checking before, but I did just test OMF Mod with my Windows 10 installation and experienced the same problem that you had been. I guess one of the many Windows 10 updates broke compatibility with it.

Anyway, very good to know how to get it to work and get the modded files into Windows 10.