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Hey guys, let's do a non-technical issue thread, for a change ;)

I am at the first mission you do to win the faith of Captain Sorrow. This mission starts at the docks of Limbo.
It's the first mission with your new boat, the gator. I was doing pretty good with the Hiob. But now capturing the ISHTAR, I have big trouble accomplishing that. It feels like the shogun enemies are a whole other category of foe... they have lots more of firepower, the buzzers don't work with their torpedos and they have armor I couldn't crack or only with lots of patience... which is to much for an enemy scout boat... everything with regard to my new upgraded boat, with better guns better armor and an additional gun tower. Is there a certain tactics on this mission? I haven't found the button, yet, with which I can acquire the guntowers of the ISHTAR, since there are like 5 or 6 different commands to acquire different targets xD

EDIT: Okay, now I would like to delete that post xD ... i dared switching to easy mode for that mission and now I did it... not knowing exactly, what was the reason for my success. The guy in the let's play vid also was kind of clueless about the mission goal...

Problem "solved"
Post edited August 05, 2015 by Skive83
Skive83: Hey guys, let's do a non-technical issue thread, for a change ;)

I am at the first mission you do to win the faith of Captain Sorrow. This mission starts at the docks of Limbo.
It's the first mission with your new boat, the gator. I was doing pretty good with the Hiob. But now capturing the ISHTAR, I have big trouble accomplishing that. It feels like the shogun enemies are a whole other category of foe... they have lots more of firepower, the buzzers don't work with their torpedos and they have armor I couldn't crack or only with lots of patience... which is to much for an enemy scout boat... everything with regard to my new upgraded boat, with better guns better armor and an additional gun tower. Is there a certain tactics on this mission? I haven't found the button, yet, with which I can acquire the guntowers of the ISHTAR, since there are like 5 or 6 different commands to acquire different targets xD

EDIT: Okay, now I would like to delete that post xD ... i dared switching to easy mode for that mission and now I did it... not knowing exactly, what was the reason for my success. The guy in the let's play vid also was kind of clueless about the mission goal...

Problem "solved"
That missions took me a few attempts too (did it over the weekend). Went after the merc subs first, then shot a few of the carrier's guns. As soon as the infiltrator came over I just sat above the carrier on watch, then when the message came through about the captain trying to escape to the east I went off in that direction and attacked the merc ships trying to destroy him (as you need to disable him for capture). Got the mission success message and auto-pilot, and then the captain's sub was destroyed and the mission target failed voice came on, but the success had already registered so an Alt-A for autopilot completed the mission.

The mission I had difficulty with was the pirate supply base side-quest where you take out the gun turret control station then use canyons to get to the back entrance of the pirate base, and protect the ATL Bomber from the pirate attacks. Thing is, I did all that and the mission didn't end, and finding the pirate bombers left on the map that never came for the attack was taking ages (I spent an hour searching on one attempt), so I just used the level skip in the end to pass the mission.

Didn't know you could switch to easy mode, though. Where is that option?
I made it through that mission you talked about on second try. But I got really lucky. I could take out that gun turret control with my sonar and engines turned off. No tank or gun tower could acquire my boat. apparently my guns don't make that much noises ;)

The option for the difficiculty is hidden very well in the menu. You have to go to options and then to the submenu "3 D options" or something similar, I play it in german so I am not a 100% sure, how it is called in english. But there it was the difficulty bar. And you can switch between easy, normal and hard.
Post edited August 06, 2015 by Skive83
Skive83: I made it through that mission you talked about on second try. But I got really lucky. I could take out that gun turret control with my sonar and engines turned off. No tank or gun tower could acquire my boat. apparently my guns don't make that much noises ;)

The option for the difficiculty is hidden very well in the menu. You have to go to options and then to the submenu "3 D options" or something similar, I play it in german so I am not a 100% sure, how it is called in english. But there it was the difficulty bar. And you can switch between easy, normal and hard.
Thanks, I'll give it a look to see if I can find that difficulty setting then.

Yeah, in that mission, taking out the gun control was easy, as was defending the ATL Bomber (I'm not convinced it needed my help really). But the mission just wouldn't end as there were at least two other pirate bombers hiding and i could spend ages searching for them, but as the ATL craft stay at the now captured pirate base I had no help for those few occasions where I did find the pirate bombers.

I am running with the augmented 1.01 mod, though, so it could have broken something, I suppose.

EDIT: Well, I found the option and it is already set at EASY. >_<
Having tried the mission I'm currently stuck on (the one where you have to get the saboteur to the pirate base floodgates) I just can't beat it. The saboteur always gets shot up. Best I managed was to get him to Floodgate 1 and then I got a message from him saying connection was lost and they were hit, then "mission target missed". :(
Guess I'm just no good at this game. :P
Post edited August 07, 2015 by korell
korell: I am running with the augmented 1.01 mod, though, so it could have broken something, I suppose.
Not unlikely, I followed the development and the number of beta testers and time was fairly small... so Spekkio (the creator of this patch) should be interested in feedback of issues. He is active at the gog forum and very active at the RPGcodex, you can drop him a message.
Skive83: I made it through that mission you talked about on second try. But I got really lucky. I could take out that gun turret control with my sonar and engines turned off. No tank or gun tower could acquire my boat. apparently my guns don't make that much noises ;)

The option for the difficiculty is hidden very well in the menu. You have to go to options and then to the submenu "3 D options" or something similar, I play it in german so I am not a 100% sure, how it is called in english. But there it was the difficulty bar. And you can switch between easy, normal and hard.
korell: Thanks, I'll give it a look to see if I can find that difficulty setting then.

Yeah, in that mission, taking out the gun control was easy, as was defending the ATL Bomber (I'm not convinced it needed my help really). But the mission just wouldn't end as there were at least two other pirate bombers hiding and i could spend ages searching for them, but as the ATL craft stay at the now captured pirate base I had no help for those few occasions where I did find the pirate bombers.

I am running with the augmented 1.01 mod, though, so it could have broken something, I suppose.

EDIT: Well, I found the option and it is already set at EASY. >_<
Having tried the mission I'm currently stuck on (the one where you have to get the saboteur to the pirate base floodgates) I just can't beat it. The saboteur always gets shot up. Best I managed was to get him to Floodgate 1 and then I got a message from him saying connection was lost and they were hit, then "mission target missed". :(
Guess I'm just no good at this game. :P
If you're REALLY desperate and can't complete a mission you could always use of of the following cheat codes (as stated in the readme.txt file - at least in the German version):

LCTRL + RCTRL + 0 : Mission erfolgreich (mission successful)
LCTRL + RCTRL + 1 : unbegrenzte Munition für Geschütz (unlimited ammo)
LCTRL + RCTRL + 2 : unbegrenzte Anzahl von Torpedos (unlimited torpedoes)
LCTRL + RCTRL + 3 : unverwundbare Schutzschilder (invincible)
chrisis: If you're REALLY desperate and can't complete a mission you could always use of of the following cheat codes (as stated in the readme.txt file - at least in the German version):

LCTRL + RCTRL + 0 : Mission erfolgreich (mission successful)
LCTRL + RCTRL + 1 : unbegrenzte Munition für Geschütz (unlimited ammo)
LCTRL + RCTRL + 2 : unbegrenzte Anzahl von Torpedos (unlimited torpedoes)
LCTRL + RCTRL + 3 : unverwundbare Schutzschilder (invincible)
Yes, I know, I already had to use the level skip cheat for the pirate supply base when they didn't all come to attack the ATL craft.

Thing is, DOSBox doesn't seem to detect LCRTL+RCTRL pressed at the same time. Only way I could get it to recognise both held down was to use the DOSBox keymapper to map a button to both the CTRL buttons (I used keypad + to do this). So for me the cheats become KP+ and the number.