kebsis: Thanks for that DL link, but putting the portraits into the data folder doesn't seem to work. The portraits don't show up in the character creator.
After I extracted the portrait directory and started the game . . . they didn't show up for me either. I closed the game, rechecked, found everything to be as it should, started the game a second time and . . . the portraits were there . . . right after the first few default images for each race. Try starting the game a second time and look again . . .=) Also, they only displayed for me by clicking the button on the right side of the character image, left button only cycled the default images.
Edit : DO NOT put the portraits in the Data Folder . . . extract the Portrait folder in the zip file to the data folder. You can create a folder named portrait and extract the images and the userport.mes to that folder but extracting the whole portrait folder to the data folder is easier . . .=)
See the attached image . . .
Edit : Also noticed image ANY44_b.bmp needs to be renamed. It has an extra dot in the file name so . . . don't know if Arcanum will recognize it.