TheTonyOne: I played the hell out of AoW1, and while I'm enjoying myself in Shadow Magic, I'm a bit of a fish out of water.
Any newbie tips you all can share with me?
1) Use your Wizard in battles for the first 1-15 turns because they are strong enough to assist and will rise, phoenix-like, at your Wizard Tower after death. From turn 10-15 onward, they are more useful projecting force via spells in the Wizard Tower.
2) Try and get your Warrior hero as high a defense as possible and earn them as much experience as possible. A Level 8+ hero can take down almost any enemy unit.
3) Use cannon fodder (Level 1 units) in the beginning, but don't waste money supporting stacks of them once they live past their usage. (Just like AoW1.)
4) Read the strategy guides over on heavengames. The highly mobile force guide is the key strategy against the AI or against humans.
5) Join a multiplayer game with other humans. We're way more fun to play with than the computer. No cheating via extra resources. :-)