INDIKA is OUT NOW as well as its OST, Artbook, and Deluxe Edition

Ask and you shall be deceived…
INDIKA is OUT NOW on GOG with a -10% launch discount, as well as its OST, Artbook, and Deluxe Edition.
It’s a third-person, story-driven game set in a strange world where religious visions clash with harsh reality. It tells the story of a young nun who sets off on a journey of self-discovery with the most unusual, horn-headed companion by her side.
On the outside, Indika seems to be a typical nun attempting to adjust to a difficult and monotonous monastery life. Humble and innocent in her appearance, do not be deceived as this young girl has also made a highly unlikely acquaintance—as she speaks with the devil himself.
Discover and enjoy an indie game where everything goes – play INDIKA now!